Peter Morgan, Worcester 1987

Geophysicist, ConocoPhillips

What is your current role?

Geophysicist – Partner Operated Assets, Clair Field, ConocoPhillips (Aberdeen). Responsible for technical work (seismic interpretation, mapping, evaluation etc), quality control of  operator work, and mentoring  junior members of the team.

What are the highlights of your current role?

Interesting technical work on major oil field; working with other companies (Shell, BP, Chevron to progress field development)

What did you do when you first graduated from Oxford?

MSc in Exploration Geophysics at Durham, PhD in Geophysics at Cambridge

Where did your career start?

I joined ConocoPhillips 4 months after graduating from my PhD in 1995. I’ve worked for ConocoPhillips in Aberdeen (8 years), Dubai (4 years) and Norway (7 years) now back in Aberdeen.

What advice would you give a current student?

There are interesting, challenging and fun technical  jobs and careers to be found in the Earth Sciences; be patient, keep learning, be flexible, keep smiling!

We interviewed Peter in late summer 2015, as part of the “Class of 1990 – Where are they now?” Project