
The Department of Earth Sciences admits students at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

The taught undergraduate course usually leads to an MEarthSci after 4 years, but may study for a BA in Geology after 3 years.  For further information, including details regarding qualification requirements, admissions and interview procedures, please see our Undergraduate Admissions page.

There are no taught graduate courses such as a standalone MSc. Graduate entry is for study towards a research-based DPhil (Oxford’s PhD qualification). Students are admitted via a number of routes:

  • NERC-funded Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP). This route provides four years of funding and an initial 4-6 months of doctoral training as well as standard research supervision
  • DPhil. Many students apply directly to a research project, securing funding via alternative means: industry, scholarship, research councils other than NERC, etc. Some DPhil projects are available via the NERC DTP.

For further information, please see our Graduate Admissions page.