
Beneath Britain is a joint initiative between UKOGL and the Department of Earth Sciences at Oxford, led by Malcolm Butler and Joe Cartwright. Its aim is to broaden the use of UKOGL’s database in academic research and teaching, and particularly to encourage new research on any aspect of the subsurface geology of Britain.

Beneath Britain also hopes to encourage “geological alumni”, particularly those with experience in the UK onshore, to undertake independent or collaborative research projects using the database.


Beneath Britain has two major goals:

Firstly, to manage and maintain access for research purposes to the vast archive of sub-surface data relating to onshore areas of Britain collected through the UK Onshore Geophysical Library (“UKOGL“).  Beneath Britain will strive to work with relevant organisations to ensure that all historic sub-surface data is made available for research purposes and will assist UKOGL in locating such information.

Secondly, to encourage, enable and sponsor research on the geology of Britain, making use of its database. To further this aim it intends to provide a pathway for publication of relevant research studies, with minimal refereeing, through its on-line forum.