LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group

Our ‘Affinity groups’ support minoritized groups in finding community with the department, and generate opportunities for mentorship.

Who are we?

The affinity group aims to provide a safe space for LGBTQIA+ members of the department to find community and solidarity in a relaxed space. Anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA+ or who is questioning their identity is welcome and we run some events which include allies too. As well as just generally chatting, we also discuss navigating Earth Sciences and the University as LGBTQIA+ people.

At the moment the affinity group is run by 2 grad students (Rebecca and Hannah) with help from our faculty lead (Laura). We’d love to have more people involved in the organisation of events if you’d like to join! Also feel free to send us suggestions of events you’d like to see.

What do we do?

We meet monthly and have a mixture of events inside and outside the department (all of which have snacks!). We also run a termly LGBTQIA+ themed book club. As well as our monthly updates, we have a mailing list so email lgbtq.affinity(at) if you want to be added. That way you’ll get reminders of events, and we’ll send on anything we become aware of which falls between our scheduled newsletter mailings. Being on the mailing list comes with no obligation to come to anything, and your email/membership will be kept private.

November Update:

Events inside the department:

LGBT in STEM Day: Friday 18th November, trip to G&Ds

Friday 18th November is LGBT in STEM Day, a chance to celebrate the contributions of LGBTQIA+ scientists and highlight problems they might face in the workplace. The day marks the anniversary of astronomer Frank Kameny’s US Supreme Court fight against workplace discrimination. We’re organising an affinity group trip to mark the day, but it is also a chance for all of us to reflect on how we can make our department and Earth Sciences more LGBTQIA+ inclusive.

To celebrate LGBT in STEM Day, we will take a lunchtime trip to G&Ds. Meet in the atrium at 1pm. If you are nervous about joining or have any questions, feel free to send us an email.

Events outside the department:


The Royal Astronomical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry and Institute of Physics are organising a careers conference on Friday 18th . Online attendance is possible and you can register here.

There are events across Oxford and the UK to celebrate LGBT in STEM day. Some of them are publicised here:

Trans Day of Remembrance, Sunday 20th November

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) remembers transgender people lost their lives in acts of anti-transgender violence. To mark the day, there will be a secular memorial service at the New Road Baptist Church followed by a vigil. More details to follow, but the service will start around sun down.