Working Life

The Department of Earth Sciences is a small, friendly community of academic, research and administrative and support staff. People know each other, talk to each other regularly, and support each other professionally and socially. We are proud of our department culture, which is inclusive and welcoming to all, and often favourably commented on by visitors.

Networking between staff is facilitated by:

  • social spaces provided in the Department
  • Department social and academic events
  • daily coffee break at 11am for all staff, and graduate and 4th year undergraduate students
  • weekly social event hosted by graduate students for all staff on a Friday at 5pm.

Staff and students are encouraged to participate in undergraduate field trips, helping integrate all members still further.

Some specific policies relating to Families, Equality and Training have been developed to encourage members of the Department to make the most of their time here.

athena-swan-bronzeThe Department of Earth Sciences has been awarded an Athena Swan Bronze Award following submission in April 2016. Athena Swan is a charter for women in science, recognising commitment to advancing women’s careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research.

Other policies, such as those relating to visa requirements, apprenticeships and work experience, have been developed by the University to safeguard both members of the department and our visitors. Any questions on such policies should be addressed to the HR Manager (