
The Earth Sciences are the focus of scientific understanding about this and other planets, embracing a large range of fundamental topics including the evolution of life, how climate has changed in the past and will change in the future, the nature of planetary surfaces and interiors, and the processes underlying natural hazards like earthquakes and volcanoes.

Further information about the research themes pursued in the department, and about the research interests and background of the academics and researchers, can be found by following the appropriate links. It is not unusual for research topics to be multidisciplinary, and for students to have more than one supervisor covering different aspects of the project. Those supervisors may even be from outside the department.

Our graduates study for a four year DPhil, supported by supplementary learning opportunities, such as:

  • Scientific Writing
  • Demonstrating and Tutorial Teaching
  • Teaching Mathematics to non-Mathematics Students
  • Mentoring Undergraduate Projects
  • Demonstrating on Field Courses

We don’t offer a taught Master’s course (though our undergraduate course includes a 4th Masters year).

Follow the Graduate Admissions link for information about the various application routes and research projects available.

Download the Graduate Handbook