School Workshops

We have a variety of workshops that complement the primary and secondary curriculum and can be adapted for a variety of age groups and needs. They typically take an hour and are suitable for up to 30 children at a time (unless otherwise stated). The workshops are free and we typically only require a parking space on the day. To book a workshop for your school within Oxfordshire please email:


We are in the process of developing new workshops on FOSSILS and CLIMATE, which are available to book for the Summer Term 2024.


For Reception and Key Stage 1

I am a Volcanologist (Yr R-2) 

In this short but exciting workshop students learn about the amazing world of volcanoes and how they erupt. In small groups, they watch an experiment to simulate a volcanic eruption, handle a volcanologist suit and a variety of volcanic rocks, and learn a volcano dance. Each workshop takes 20 minutes per small group of 6-8 students, and is great for STEM days in schools.


Goldilocks in Space (Yr 1-2) 

In this fun and creative workshop, students learn about the composition of different planets. They then have the opportunity to design their own planet using craft materials and arrange their planets into solar systems. The session is designed around a story book, Goldilocks in Space, which is read to the students to encourage them to explore the fascinating world of outer space.

Designed by Hannah Sanderson.


For Key Stage 2

Rocks and Volcanoes (Yr 3-4) 

This engaging, practical workshop allows the students to get experience handling igneous rocks and discuss volcanic processes. Students describe rock samples, think about where in a volcano they formed and have the opportunity to experience wearing a volcanologist suit. They then take part in a series of whole-class experiments which investigate volcanic eruptions.

National curriculum: Rocks (Science), Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Geography).

Planetary Interiors (Yr 5-6)

This creative workshop involves learning about planetary compositions and how this relates to the distance between a planet and its nearest star. Students discuss the ‘snow line’, the boundary between rocky planets and gas giants. They then design their own planet with different materials. Together, the class then create their own planetary system.

National curriculum: Materials (Science), Earth and Space (Science), Rocks and States of Matter (Science). Designed by Hannah Sanderson.

Volatile Volcanoes (Yr 5-6) 

This experiment-based workshop gives students the chance to discover the science of volcanic eruptions and how to predict them. They learn about what volcanic eruptions are, the role of gases, and think about how different types of magma affect explosivity. Students then become a team of volcanologists, whose role it is to observe and predict the behaviours of a volcano and successfully evacuate their island.

National curriculum: Rocks (Science), Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Geography).

Shaking Quakes (Yr 5-6)

This practical workshop introduces students to the science behind earthquakes and how they are detected, before giving them the opportunity to build and test their own earthquake-proof structures. Students are challenged to build the tallest structure they can before using our shaker tables to see if they can withstand an earthquake.

National curriculum: Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Geography). Designed by Rebecca Colquhoun.


For Key Stage 3

a line of a paper planetary system lying on the carpet with a person kneeling next to it. There is a Sun, followed by a red magma planet, a tidally locked planet which is read on one side and blue on the other. Then a brown rocky planet, a piece of paper representing the snow line and then a white icy planet.

Phenomenal Planets (Yr 7-8)

This interactive workshop involves learning about planetary compositions and how this relates to the distance to the nearest star. Students then design their own planetary interior and create solar systems in groups, placing their planet correctly relative to the sun and the ‘snow line’. Students also learn about planetary magnetic fields and why they are important.

National curriculum: Earth and Atmosphere (Chemistry), Magnetism (Physics). Designed by Hannah Sanderson.

Extraordinary Earthquakes (Yr 7-9)

This hands-on workshop provides students with a background to seismic activity and earthquake detection, and then challenges them to build earthquake-proof structures using their knowledge. Students use shaker tables to simulate earthquakes and learn about how building design is vital in tectonically active regions.

National curriculum: Earth and Atmosphere (Chemistry), Plate Tectonics (Geography). Designed by Rebecca Colquhoun.