We are an active group interested in the structure and evolution of the world’s ocean basins and their margins. To date, we have participated in 14 research cruises on the RRS Charles Darwin, RRS James Clark Ross, RRS Discovery, RRS James Cook, MV Meteor, MV SONNE, MV Marion Defresne, MV GECO Prakla, MV Hawk Explorer and MV Marcus G. Langseth. The cruises, which have been collaborative efforts with scientists from the Universities of Birmingham and Durham, the National Oceanography Centre, the British Antarctic Survey, the Institute of Earth Sciences in Barcelona, IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel, the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York, and have been involved in field work offshore Gibraltar, Spain, Morocco, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, French Guiana, Brazil, Surinam, United Arab Emirates, South Africa and Antarctica (South-West Indian Ocean Ridge), Australia and New Zealand, Tonga Islands, Fiji and Hawaii. The cruise data have been the subject of more than 11 Ph.D and Masters theses and several publications.

The group maintains a network of DELL Quod Core workstations and has access to Globe Claritas, Geosoft Montaj, GeoMapApp, GMT, Seismic Unix, rayinvr and MB software for the processing and display of underway marine geological and geophysical data and an ‘in house’ software system for gravity, flexure, subsidence and uplift and stratigraphic modelling of elastic and viscoelastic plates using 2D and 3D forward and inverse techniques.