
Oxford expects to have a number of funded studentships available each year, and also welcomes applications from self-funded students.  Application routes are described on the Graduate Admissions page.

A variety of support is available for UK/home and international students. Information on funding, scholarships and bursaries, living costs and other financial considerations can be found on the University Fees and Funding webpages.

How to Apply

Oxford expects to have a number of funded studentships available.  Potential topic areas in Earth Sciences are listed on the main graduate admissions page.

You may apply online, or request a hard copy of the application pack, on the University Graduate Admissions website.

When you complete the online application form, please ensure you complete the sections on Proposed field and title of research project and, if known, Proposed supervisor name.  If you are applying for a listed project, please ensure you include the project reference number before the full project title, and the name of the supervisor.  If you are proposing your own project or area of research, please include at least the general area of proposed research in the title section.  You may leave the supervisor section blank if you do not know who could supervise your proposed project.

Minimum Requirements

The department conforms to the University’s minimum requirements for applicants.  Please see the University Graduate Admissions website for details.

You should also consult the admissions criteria for the course.


The deadline for applications for most funding opportunities is usually in late January, but please check the details for the scholarship you wish to apply for.


Some projects have funding attached; you may apply for a listed project, or propose one of your own.

Academic Futures

Academic Futures is a series of scholarship programmes that will address under-representation and help improve equality, diversity and inclusion in the University’s graduate student body.

Further information about the Academic Futures Scholarships can be found on the University website.

Black Academic Futures

Up to 30 scholarships are available across the University for UK Black and Mixed-Black postgraduate offer holders, to financially support them to pursue graduate study at Oxford.  The Department of Earth Sciences is proud to be one of the funding partners for one of these scholarships.

To apply for the Black Academic Futures Scholarship, all you have to do is submit your completed graduate course application, including ethnicity information, by the January deadline and you will automatically be considered.

Boise Trust Scholarship

The Boise Trust Fund was established by Charles Watson Boise to support research on the antiquity and evolutionary origin of modern Homo sapiens and other hominins, with particular emphasis on the continued exploration of appropriate sites in Africa, and on the early migration of Palaeolithic communities.  All applications should be in this field of research.

The Boise Trust Scholarship is open to applicants to the Departments of Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, and Earth Sciences.  The award is for up to 3.5 years and at present, offers:

  • a maintenance grant at the current RCUK stipend rate per annum
  • payment of fees (Home/Overseas)
  • Research Support Grant of £5,000 per annum for the first three years of the scholarship (with the potential to apply for up to a further £3,000 per annum under the
    small Boise Trust awards scheme).

Applications are made online using the standard University application form and must be submitted by the January deadline. All eligible applications received by the relevant department will be automatically considered for this scholarship.

For further information, please contact the Biology Trust Fund Administrator.

Oxford-Radcliffe Graduate Scholarship

Applicants to the Department of Earth Sciences will automatically be considered for an Oxford-Radcliffe Graduate Scholarship.  The Oxford Graduate Scholarships were established in 2012 through an innovative matched funding initiative.  Scholarships are awarded to applicants who have demonstrated excellent academic ability, who will contribute to the University’s ground-breaking research, and who will go on to contribute to the world as leaders in their field, pushing the frontiers of knowledge.  The University contributes 40% of the funds for these scholarships, together with 60% from generous donations provided by numerous supporters of the University and its colleges.

The Oxford-Radcliffe Graduate Scholarships are unique to University College, supported by a historic £10m gift from a group of the College’s Old Members, the largest single gift received by the college in modern times.  The benefactors are motivated to ensure that more talented graduate students than ever before will have an opportunity to work with both University College’s and Oxford’s leading academics to pursue their ambitions, contribute ground-breaking research, advance understanding and realise their full potential – regardless of their financial circumstances – focusing on today’s challenges and advancing tomorrow’s solutions.

Clarendon Fund

This unique scheme offers around 130 new, fully-funded scholarships each year to academically outstanding graduate students across the University, as well as providing a lively and stimulating community of scholars.

Further information about the Clarendon fund can be found on the University website.

Further information

For further information on finance and scholarship opportunities, please see the University Fees and Funding webpages.


Please contact the Academic Office with any queries.