The Sedimentology and Stratigraphy group use a broad range of techniques and often collaborate with other groups and laboratories, including the Geochemical Laboratories (for stable-isotopes, metal-isotopes and elemental concentrations), clean-suite facilities, e-beam labs and the Geofacilities.

Facilities operated by the group are described below and in the links. We are always open to new collaborations, so please get in touch if you think we can help!

Powder X-ray diffraction

Organic geochemistry and analysis of organic matter

In Oxford we can analyse organic matter in a number of ways. Using bulk sediment we can determine the amount of organic matter present in a sample and source rock characteristics (HI, OI, Tmax etc) using a Rock-Eval 6. We have a number of options for solvent extraction of biomarkers from samples, including a dedicated microwave and Soxhlets. For characterisation of biomarkers we have an Agilent GC/MS and a HPLC-MS.