Oxford Volcanologists provide guidance on latest COPE book

Oxford Volcanologists provide guidance on latest COPE book

Oxford Earth Science Volcanologists David Pyle and Tamsin Mather, along with local Indonesian Geologist, Munasri have provided Disaster Risk Reduction guidance to the latest book release from COPE which was produced in collaboration with UNDRR Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, and the United Nations Majority Group for Children and Youth. UNICEF East Asia and Pacific supplied additional editorial guidance on children’s rights perspectives while expert weather advice was offered by COPE’s Scientific Advisors – The World Meteorological Organization and The Hong Kong Observatory.

COPE is a series of beautifully illustrated non-for-profit books, aimed to increase the disaster resilience of children. COPE’s new adventure unfolds at Mount Merapi, Indonesia, one of the world’s most active volcanoes. Children will learn what to do before a volcanic eruption and focus on the key message –


It was written by Martha Keswick, illustarted by Mariko Jesse and edited by Timothy Sim. You can download it and others in the series from the COPE website here. It was a pleasure to welcome Martha to the department this week.

The book is available in English and Bahasa and was launched in May at the UNDRR GP2022 in Bali.

Credit: UN Major Group for Children and Youth. A photo of Munasri, who attended the launch from Java, sitting on the panel alongside the WMO’s Director of Services, with representatives from UNICEF Easter Asia and Pacific, United Nations Majority Group of Children and Youth and World Vision.

Below are pictures of the Volcanoes book in Bahasa, already being used by local Indonesian kids in DRR projects on the ground. Photo Credits: Vanda Lengkong, Plan International.

You can follow COPE on instagram and facebook.