Marc St-Onge

Marc St-Onge

Visiting Professor

Research and projects


I am Senior Emeritus Scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), part of Natural Resources Canada, with expertise in regional geology and tectonics, bedrock mapping, metamorphic petrology, the Canadian Arctic, NW Scotland, and the Himalaya. During the course of my geological career, I have led multiple mapping projects and supervised undergraduate and graduate students in many remote parts of the world, from the Coppermine River area in the western Canadian Arctic (where my colleagues and I discovered the oldest rocks in the world – Acasta Gneiss) to Banks Island, the Keewatin, northern Quebec, southern, southwestern, southeastern, central and northern Baffin Island in the eastern Canadian Arctic, western Greenland, Scotland, Greece, the Himalaya of Pakistan, India and Nepal and the Tibetan Plateau in China. I was appointed Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford in 2004, Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in 2010, Vice President (North America) of the Commission for the Geological Map of the World in 2012, Senior Scholar at Cambridge University in 2019, and Visiting Professor at Oxford in 2019. My work led to the publication of the “Geological Map of the Arctic” in 2011, the “Tectonic Map of Arctic Canada” in 2015, the GSC’s first-ever geological maps in Inuktitut, also in 2015, the “Tectonic Map of the Arctic” in 2019, and a synthesis of the bedrock geology of Baffin Island in 2020. Presently I am co-lead on the Canada-3D project, which among other objectives aims to produce a new, updated, digital, 3-D “Geological Map of Canada”. 

Research Projects:

  • Geology of Baffin Island
  • Geological and tectonic evolution of the Arctic
  • Geology of Tibet, Nepal and India
  • Petrology of eclogites, Buchan- and Barrovian-type pelitic sequences, and pelitic migmatites
  • Geological Map of Canada (Canada-3D)

Professional activities and affiliations:

  • Fellow, Geological Association of Canada
  • Fellow, Geological Society of America
  • Fellow, Royal Canadian Geographical Society
  • Earth Sciences Resource Person, Adventure Canada
  • Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience (AAG) theme champion, 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Project Leader, Geomapping for Energy and Minerals (GEM) Program, Baffin Island region, Nunavut
  • Project Leader, Open Geoscience Program, Canada-3D

Principal Colleagues:

  • Mike Searle (University of Oxford)
  • Owen Weller (University of Cambridge)
  • Diane Skipton (Yukon Geological Survey)
  • Richard Palin (University of Oxford)
  • Brendan Dyck (Simon Fraser University)
  • Randall Orndorff and Tom Moore (USGS)
  • Manuel Pubellier and Camille Francois (CGMW)
  • Christopher Harrison, Boyan Brodaric, Nicole Rayner, Dianne Paul (GSC)
  • Ian Cawood (University of Oxford)


  • Weller, O., Mottram, C., St-Onge, M.R., Möller, C., Strachan, R., Rivers, T., 2021. Mountains and their roots: a review of Earth’s major collisional orogens; Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, submitted.
  • François, C., Pubellier, M., Robert, C., Bulois, C., Fathiyah Jamaludin, S.N., Oberhänsli, R., Faure, M., St-Onge, M.R., and the IGCP 667 Team, 2021. Temporal and spatial evolution of orogens: a guide for geological mapping; Episodes, submitted.
  • Skipton, D.R., St-Onge, M.R., Kellett, D.A., Joyce, N.J., and Smith, S., 2021. Constraining rapid cooling in a Paleoproterozoic foreland fold-thrust belt: Cape Smith Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada; Precambrian Research, submitted.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Rayner, N., Sanborn-Barrie, M., Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., Wodicka, N., and Weller, O.M., 2020.  Archean and Paleoproterozoic Cratonic Rocks of Baffin Island.  In “Baffin Island and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway Geological Synthesis”, (ed.) L.T. Dafoe and N. Bingham-Koslowski. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, 608, p. 01–29.
  • Weller, O.M., Jackson, S., Miller, W.G.R., St-Onge, M.R., and Rayner, N., 2020. Quantitative elemental mapping of granulitefacies monazite: Textural insights and implications for petrochronology; Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 38, p. 853 – 880.
  • Dyck, B., Waters, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., and Searle, M.P., 2019. Muscovite dehydration melting; reaction mechanisms, microstructures, and implications for anatexis. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12511.
  • St-Onge, M.R. and Davis, W.J., 2018. Wopmay orogen revisited: Phase equilibria modeling, detrital zircon geochronology, and U-Pb monazite dating of a regional Buchan-type metamorphic sequence. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 130, 678-704,
  • Weller, O.M. and St-Onge, M.R., 2017. Record of modern-style plate tectonics in the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-Hudson orogen.  Nature Geoscience, 10, 305-311, doi: 10.1038/NGEO2904.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Harrison, J.C., Paul, D., Tella, S., Brent, T., Jauer, C. and Maclean, B., 2015. Tectonic Map of Arctic Canada (TeMAC). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 187, (ed. prelim.), 1:4 000 000 scale. doi:10.4095/295945.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N., Palin, R.M., Searle, M.P., and Waters, D.J., 2013. Integrated pressure-temperature-time constraints for the Tso Morari dome (Northwest India): Implications for the burial and exhumation path of UHP units in the western Himalaya. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi: 10.1111/jmg.12030.
  • Weller, O.M., St-Onge, M.R., Waters, D.J., Rayner, N., Searle, M.P., S.-L. Chung, Palin, R.M., Y.-H. Lee and X. Xu, 2013. Quantifying Barrovian metamorphism in the Danba Structural Culmination of eastern Tibet. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi: 10.111/jmg.12050.
  • Harrison, J.C., St-Onge, M.R., Petrov, O., Strelnikov, S., Lopatin, B., Wilson, F., Tella, S., Paul, D., Lynds, T., Shokalsky, S., Hults, C., Bergman, S., Jepsen, H.F., and Solli, A., 2011. Geological map of the Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2159A, 1:5 000 000 scale, DVD with user guide. doi:10.4095/287868.
  • St-Onge, M.R., van Gool, J.A.M., Garde, A.A., and Scott, D.J., 2009. Correlation of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic units between northeastern Canada and western Greenland: constraining the pre-collisional upper plate accretionary history of the Trans-Hudson orogen. Geological Society, Special Publication, 318, 193-235, doi: 10.1144/SP318.7.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Searle, M.P., and Wodicka, N., 2006. Trans-Hudson Orogen of North America and Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibetan Orogen of Asia: Structural and thermal characteristics of the lower and upper plates. Tectonics, 25, 22 p., doi: 10.1029/2005TC001907.


Papers in refereed journals

  • St-Onge, D.A., Lemay, M., and St-Onge, M.R., 1976.  La géométrie des méandres, une méthode d’analyse.  Geoscience Canada, 4, 281-284.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1981.  “Normal” and “inverted” metamorphic isograds and their relation to syntectonic Proterozoic batholiths in the Wopmay Orogen, Northwest Territories, Canada.  Tectonophysics, 76, 295-316.
  • Pattison, D.R.M., Carmichael, D.M., and St-Onge, M.R., 1982.  Geothermometry and geobarometry applied to Early Proterozoic “S-type” granitoid plutons, Wopmay Orogen, Northwest Territories, Canada.  Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 79, 394-404.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1983.  “Normal” and “inverted” metamorphic isograds and their relation to syntectonic Proterozoic batholiths in the Wopmay Orogen, Northwest Territories, Canada – Reply.  Tectonophysics, 91, 179-182.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1984.  Geothermometry and geobarometry in pelitic rocks of north-central Wopmay Orogen (early Proterozoic), NWT, Canada.  Geological Society of America Bulletin, 95, 196-208.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1984.  The muscovite-melt bathograd and low-P isograd suites in north-central Wopmay Orogen, NWT, Canada.  Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 2, 315-326.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and King, J.E., 1987.  Evolution of regional metamorphism during back-arc stretching and subsequent crustal shortening in the 1.9 Ga Wopmay Orogen, Canada.  Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions, A321, 199-218.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and King, J.E., 1987.  Thermo-tectonic evolution of a metamorphic internal zone documented by axial projections and petrological P-T paths, Wopmay Orogen, northwest Canada.  Geology, 15, 155-158.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1987.  Zoned poikiloblastic garnets: P-T paths and syn-metamorphic uplift through 30 km of structural depth, Wopmay Orogen, Canada.  Journal of Petrology, 28, 1-21.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., Scott, D.J., and Bégin, N.J., 1989.  Evidence for the development of oceanic crust and for continental rifting in the tectono-stratigraphy of the early Proterozoic Cape Smith Belt.  Geoscience Canada, 16, 119-122.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1989.  Tectonic controls on the thermal evolution of the Cape Smith Thrust Belt.  Geoscience Canada, 16, 154-158.
  • Lucas, S.B., and St-Onge, M.R., 1989.  Structural evolution of the Cape Smith Belt from initial thrusting to basement-involved folding.  Geoscience Canada, 16, 122-126.
  • Lucas, S.B., and St-Onge, M.R., 1989.  Shear zone softening at the base of the Cape Smith Belt: Implications for the rheological evolution of thrust belts.  Geoscience Canada, 16, 158-163.
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., and Helmstaedt, H., 1989.  The 1998 Ma Purtuniq ophiolite: Imbricated and metamorphosed oceanic crust in the Cape Smith Thrust Belt, northern Quebec.  Geoscience Canada, 16, 144-147.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1990.  Canada’s National Geoscience Mapping Program (NATMAP): Toronto 1990 workshop.  Geoscience Canada, 17, 98-99.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1991.  Evolution of regional metamorphism in the Cape Smith Thrust Belt (northern Quebec, Canada): Interaction of tectonic and thermal processes.  Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 9, 515-534.
  • Lucas, S.B., St-Onge, M.R., Parrish, R., and Dunphy, J., 1992.  Long-lived continent-ocean intereaction in the Early Proterozoic Ungava Orogen, northern Quebec, Canada.  Geology, 20, 113-116.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., and Parrish, R., 1992.  Terrane accretion in the internal zone of the Ungava Orogen, northern Quebec. Part 1: Tectonostratigraphic assemblages and their tectonic implications.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, 746-764.
  • Lucas, S.B., and St-Onge, M.R., 1992.  Terrane accretion in the internal zone of the Ungava Orogen, northern Quebec. Part 2: Structural and metamorphic history.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, 765-782.
  • Van Kranendonk, M.J., St-Onge, M.R., and Henderson, J.R., 1993.  Early Proterozoic tectonic assembly of northeast Laurentia through multiple indentations.  Precambrian Research, 63, 325-347.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1994.  Controls on the regional distribution of Fe-Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide mineralization in the eastern Cape Smith Belt, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31, 206-218.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1995.  Large-scale fluid infiltration, metasomatism and re-equilibration of Archaean basement granulites during Palaeoproterozoic thrust belt construction, Ungava Orogen, Canada.  Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 13, 509-535.
  • Scott, D.J., and St-Onge, M.R., 1995.  Constraints on Pb closure temperature in titanite based on rocks from the Ungava Orogen, Canada: Implications for U-Pb geochronology and P-T-t path determinations.  Geology, 23, 1123-1126.
  • Lucas, S.B., and St-Onge, M.R., 1995.  Syn-tectonic magmatism and the development of compositional layering, Ungava Orogen (northern Quebec, Canada).  Journal of Structural Geology, 17, 475-491.
  • St-Onge, M.R. and Ijewliw, O.J., 1996. Mineral corona formation during high-P retrogression of granulite facies rocks, Ungava Orogen, Canada.  Journal of Petrology, 37, 553-582
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Upper and lower plate juxtaposition, deformation and metamorphism during crustal convergence, Trans-Hudson Orogen (Quebec-Baffin segment), Canada. Precambrian Research, 93, 27-49
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., and Helmstaedt, H., 1999.  The 2.00 Ga Purtuniq ophiolite, Cape Smith Belt, Canada: MORB-like crust intruded by OIB-like magmatism.  Ofioliti, 24, 199-215
  • St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., and Lucas, S.B., 2000.  Granulite- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism in a convergent-plate-margin setting: synthesis of the Quebec-Baffin segment of the Trans-Hudson Orogen.  Canadian Mineralogist, 38, 379-398
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Lucas, S.B., 2000.  Early partitioning of Quebec: Microcontinent formation in the Paleoproterozoic.  Geology, 28, 323-326
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 2001.  Terrane boundaries within Trans-Hudson Orogen (Quebec-Baffin segment), Canada: changing structural and metamorphic character from foreland to hinterland.  Precambrian Research, 107, 75-91
  • Thériault, R.J., St-Onge, M.R., and Scott, D.J., 2001.  Nd isotopic and geochemical signature of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen, southern Baffin Island, Canada: implications for the evolution of eastern Laurentia.  Precambrian Research, 108, 113-138.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 2002.  Review of crustal architecture and evolution in the Ungava Peninsula – Baffin Island area: connection to the Lithoprobe ECSOOT transect.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, 589-610.
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., Stern, R.A., and McMullen, S.M., 2002.  U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons in metasedimentary rocks from southern Baffin Island: implications for the Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of northeastern Laurentia.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, 611-623.
  • Wardle, R.J., Gower, C.F., James, D.T., St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Garde, A.A., Culshaw, N.G., van Gool, J.A.M., Connelly, J.N., Perreault, S., and Hall, J., 2002.  Correlation chart of the Proterozoic assembly of the northeastern Canadian – Greenland Shield.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, 895-897.  (author grouping by institution)
  • Bernknopf, R., St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., and Wein, A., 2004.  The value of improved government geological maps to mineral exploration: evaluating discovery risk.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 48, 997-1010.
  • Pattison, D.R.M., St-Onge, M.R., and Bégin, N.J., 2005.  Truth and beauty in metamorphism: a tribute to Dugald Carmichael. Preface to volume.  Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 1-10.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Searle, M.P., and Wodicka, N., 2006.  Trans-Hudson Orogen of North America and Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibetan Orogen of Asia: Structural and thermal characteristics of the lower and upper plates. Tectonics, 25, 1-22.
  • St-Onge, M.R., van Gool, J.A.M., Garde, A.A., and Scott, D.J., 2006.  Correlation of Archaean to Mesoproterozoic units and structures across Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and the Labrador Sea: Kangerlussuaq workshop 2005 report and literature review.  Danmarks OG Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, 2006/6, 21-57.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., and Ijewliw, O., 2007.  Polymetamorphic evolution of Trans-Hudson Orogen on Baffin Island, Canada: contraints from petrology, structure and geochronology. Journal of Petrology, 48, 32p.
  • Searle, M.P., St-Onge, M.R., and Wodicka, N., 2007.  Reply to comment by Jason Ali and Jonathan C. Aitchison on ‘‘Trans-Hudson Orogen of North America and Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Orogen of Asia: Structural and thermal characteristics of lower and upper plates’’ by M. R. St-Onge et al. Tectonics, 26, 1-3.
  • Wodicka, N., St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2008.  Depositional age and provenance of the Piling Group, central Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada: Implications for the Paleoproterozoic tectonic development of the southeast Rae margin. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 120, 15 p.
  • St-Onge, M.R., van Gool, J.A.M., Garde, A.A., and Scott, D.J., 2009.  Correlation of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic units between northeastern Canada and western Greenland: constraining the pre-collisional upper plate accretionary history of the Trans-Hudson orogen.  Geological Society, Special Publication, 318, 193-235.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N., and Searle, M.P., 2010.  Zircon age determinations for the Ladakh batholith at Chumathang (Northwest India): Implications for the age of the India-Asia collision in the Ladakh Himalaya. Tectonophysics, 495, 171-183.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N., Palin, R.M., Searle, M.P., and Waters, D.J., 2013.  Integrated pressure-temperature-time constraints for the Tso Morari dome (Northwest India): Implications for the burial and exhumation path of UHP units in the western Himalaya.  Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31, 469-504, doi: 10.1111/jmg.12030.
  • Weller, O.M., St-Onge, M.R., Waters, D.J., Rayner, N., Searle, M.P., S.-L. Chung, Palin, R.M., Y.-H. Lee and X. Xu, 2013.  Quantifying Barrovian metamorphism in the Danba Structural Culmination of eastern Tibet.  Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31, 909-935, doi: 10.111/jmg.12050.
  • Palin, R.M., Searle, M.P., St-Onge, M.R., Waters, D.J., Roberts, N.M.W., Horstwood, M.S.A., Parrish, R.R., Weller, O., Chen, S., and Yang, J., 2014.  Monazite geochronology and petrology of kyanite- and sillimanite-grade migmatites from the northwestern flank of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis.  Gondwana Research, 26, 323-347,
  • Wodicka, N., St-Onge, M.R., Corrigan, D., Scott, D.J., and Whalen, J.B., 2014.  Did a proto-ocean basin form along the southeastern Rae cratonic margin? Evidence from U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry (Sm-Nd and whole-rock), and stratigraphy of the Paleoproterozoic Piling Group, northern Canada.  Geological Society of America Bulletin, 126, 1625-1653.  doi:10.1130/B31028.1.  .
  • Palin, R.M., St-Onge, M.R., Waters, D.J., Searle, M.P., and Dyck, B., 2014.  Phase equilibria modeling of retrograde amphibole and clinozoisite in mafic eclogite from the Tso Morari massif, northwest India: constraining the P-T-M(H2O) conditions of exhumation.  Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32, 675-693, doi:10.1111/jmg.12085.
  • Palin, R.M., Searle, M.P., St-Onge, M.R., D.J. Waters, N.M.W. Roberts, M.S.A. Horstwood, R.R. Parrish, and O. Weller, 2015.  Two-stage cooling history of pelitic and semi-pelitic mylonite (sensu lato) from the Dongjiu–Milin shear zone, northwest flank of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis.  Gondwana Research, 28, 509-530,
  • Weller, O.M., St-Onge, M.R., Searle, M.P., Waters, D.J., Rayner, N., Chen, S., Chung, S.-L., and Palin, R.M., 2015.  Quantifying the P-T-t conditions of north-south Lhasa terrane accretion: new insight into the pre-Himalayan architecture of the Tibetan plateau .  Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33, 91-113, doi: 10.1111/jmg.12112.
  • Weller, O.M., St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N., Searle, M.P., and Waters, D.J., 2015.  Miocene magmatism in the Western Nyainqentanglha mountains of southern Tibet: An exhumed bright spot?  Lithos, 245, 147-160, doi:
  • Weller, O.M., St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N., Waters, D.J., Searle, M.P., Palin, R.M., 2016.  U-Pb zircon geochronology and phase equilibria modelling of an eclogite from the Sumdo complex of south-east Tibet: insights into prograde zircon growth and the assembly of the Tibetan plateau. Lithos, 262, 729-741, (ESS Cont. # 20150104).
  • Searle, M.P., Roberts, N.M.W., Chung, S-L., Lee, Y-H, Cook, K.L., Elliott, J.R., Weller, O.M., St-Onge, M.R., Xu, X.W., Tan, X.B., and Li, K., 2016.  Age and Anatomy of the Gongga Shan batholith, Eastern Tibetan Plateau and its relationship to the Xianshui-he fault. Geosphere, 12, no. 3, 948-970, doi: 10.1130/GES01244.1
  • Skipton, D., St-Onge, M.R., Schneider, D.A., and McFarlane, C.R.M., 2016.  Tectonothermal evolution of the middle crust in the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Baffin Island, Canada: evidence from petrology and monazite geochronology of sillimanite-bearing migmatites.  Journal of Petrology, 57, 1437-1462., doi: 10.1093/petrology/egw046.
  • Skipton, D., Schneider, D.A., McFarlane, C.R.M., St-Onge, M.R., and Jackson, S., 2016.  Multi-stage zircon and monazite growth revealed by depth-profiling and in situ U-Pb geochronology: resolving the Paleoproterozoic tectonics of the Trans-Hudson Orogen on southeastern Baffin Island, Canada.  Precambrian Research, 285, 272-298,
  • Weller, O. and St-Onge, M.R., 2017.  Record of modern-style plate tectonics in the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-Hudson orogen.  Nature Geoscience, 10, 305-311, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2904
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Davis, W., 2018.  Wopmay orogen revisited: Phase equilibria modelling, detrital zircon geochronology, and U-Pb monazite dating of a regional Buchan-type metamorphic sequence.  Geological Society of America Bulletin, 130, 678-704,
  • Dyck, B., St-Onge, M.R., Searle, M.P., Rayner, N., Waters, D., and Weller, O., 2018.  Protolith lithostratigraphy of the Greater Himalayan Series in Langtang, Nepal: implications for the architecture of the northern Indian margin.  Geological Society of London Special Publication, 483,
  • Dyck, B., Waters, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., and Searle, M.P., 2019.  Muscovite dehydration melting; reaction mechanisms, microstructures, and implications for anatexis.  Journal of Metamorphic Geology.  DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12511
  • Weller, O.M., Jackson, S., Miller, W.G.R., St-Onge, M.R., and Rayner, N., 2020. Quantitative elemental mapping of granulite‐facies monazite: Textural insights and implications for petrochronology; Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 38, p. 853 – 880.
  • Lamont, T.N., Searle, M.P., Waters, D.J., Roberts, N.M., Palin, R.M., Smye, A., Gopon, P., Weller, O., St-Onge, M.R., 2020. Compressional origin of the Naxos metamorphic core complex, Greece: Structure, petrography, and thermobarometry. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132(1–2), 149–197. https: //
  • Weller, O., Mottram, C., St-Onge, M.R., Möller, C., Strachan, R., Rivers, T., 2021.  Mountains and their roots: a review of Earth’s major collisional orogens; Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, submitted.
  • François, C., Pubellier, M., Robert, C., Bulois, C., Fathiyah Jamaludin, S.N., Oberhänsli, R., Faure, M., St-Onge, M.R., and the IGCP 667 Team, 2021.  Temporal and spatial evolution of orogens: a guide for geological mapping; Episodes, submitted.
  • Skipton, D.R., St-Onge, M.R., Kellett, D.A., Joyce, N.J., and Smith, S., 2021.  Constraining rapid cooling in a Paleoproterozoic foreland fold-thrust belt: Cape Smith Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada; Precambrian Research, submitted.
  • Harrison, C.J., St-Onge, M.R., 2021.  Geological history of the Arctic.  Earth-Science Reviews, submitted.

Geoscientific maps

Geological maps are complex syntheses of geological information (derived from the fields of stratigraphy, metamorphic and igneous petrology, structural geology and geochronology) integrated with surficial, geophysical (magnetic, magnetotelluric, and gravity), geochemical, remote-sensing, and 3D modeling data gathered through ground, airborne and remote sensing field surveys and by laboratory analyses.  Because geological maps are the composite product of multidisciplinary and multi-year scientific studies, and are peer-reviewed, they are produced in fundamentally the same way as a paper for journal publication and are considered a crucial output of field-based research at the Geological Survey of Canada.


  • Hoffman, P.F., St-Onge, M.R., St-Onge, D.A., and Easton, R.M., 1981.  Preliminary geological map of Hepburn Lake area (86J).  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 784, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., Scott, D.J., and Bégin, N.J., 1988.  Geology, eastern portion of the Cape Smith Thrust-Fold Belt, parts of the Wakeham Bay, Cratère du Nouveau-Québec and Nuvilik Lake map areas, northern Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 1730a to 1730p, 1:50 000 scale, 16 sheets.
  • St-Onge, M.R., King, J.E., and Lalonde, A.E., 1988.  Geology, east-central Wopmay orogen, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 1923, 1:125 000 scale, 3 sheets.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1989.  Geology, Lac Watts, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1721A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1989.  Geology, Purtuniq, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1722A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1989.  Geology, Lac Lecorré, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1723A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Lac Des Deux Iles, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1724A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Lac Fleury, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1725A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Lac Rinfret, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1726A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Wakeham River, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1727A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Mont Albert Low, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1728A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Wakeham Bay, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1729A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Lac Forcier, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1730A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Cratère du Nouveau-Québec, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1731A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Lac Cournoyer, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1732A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Lac Vicneza, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1733A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Lac Samandré, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1734A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Geology, Whitley Bay, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1735A, 1:50 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., King, J.E., and Lalonde, A.E., 1991.  Geology, east-central Wopmay orogen, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories.  Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1754A, 1:125 000 scale, 3 sheets.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Hanmer, S., and Scott, D.J., 1996.  Geology, Soper River, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3191, (east and west sheets), 1:100 000 scale.
  • Hanmer, S., St-Onge, M.R., and Scott, D.J., 1996.  Geology, White Strait, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories.  Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Map 3192, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., and Hanmer, S., 1996.  Geology, Frobisher Bay, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3193, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Hanmer, S., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1997.  Geology, Crooks Inlet, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3397, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Hanmer, S., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1997.  Geology, Blandford Bay, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3398, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Hanmer, S., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1997.  Geology, Hone River, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3399, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R. and Lucas, S.B., 1997.  Geology, Ivujivik, Quebec – Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1911A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Lucas, S.B. and St-Onge, M.R., 1997.  Geology, Montagne Pinguk, Quebec – Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1912A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Lucas, S.B. and St-Onge, M.R., 1997.  Geology, Sugluk, Quebec – Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1913A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R. and Lucas, S.B., 1997.  Geology, Pointe Rouge, Quebec – Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1914A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Lucas, S.B. and St-Onge, M.R., 1997.  Geology, Foul Bay, Quebec – Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1915A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R. and Lucas, S.B., 1997.  Geology, Joy Bay, Quebec – Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1916A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1998.  Geology, Hidden Bay, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3536, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1998.  Geology, McKellar Bay, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3537, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1998.  Geology, Wight Inlet, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3538, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, Frobisher Bay, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1979A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, Hidden Bay, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1980A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, McKellar Bay, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1981A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, Wight Inlet, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1982A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, Blandford Bay, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1983A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, Crooks Inlet, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1984A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, White Strait, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada A-series Map 1985A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Wodicka, N., 1999.  Geology, Meta Incognita Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Map 2009A, 1:250 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2001.  Geology, Macdonald River, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3958, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2001.  Geology, Flint Lake, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3959, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2001.  Geology, Nadluardjuk Lake, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3960, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2001.  Geology, Wordie Bay, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3961, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2001.  Geology, central Baffin Island area, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map D3996.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Corrigan, D., and Scott, D.J., 2001.  Geology, Piling Lake, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4003, 1:250 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2002.  Geology, North Tweedsmuir Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4199, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2002.  Geology, Straits Bay Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4200, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2002.  Geology, Dewar Lakes, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4201, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2002.  Geology, Inuksulik Lake, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4317, 1:250 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2003.  Geology, Clyde River, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4432, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2003.  Geology, Blanchfield Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4433, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2003.  Geology, Ikpik Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4474, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2004.  Geology, Nauja Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4482, 1:250 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Corrigan, D., and Wodicka, N., 2005.  Geology, Ikpik Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Map 2077A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Corrigan, D., and Wodicka, N., 2005.  Geology, Flyway Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Map 2078A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Corrigan, D., and Wodicka, N., 2005.  Geology, Clyde River, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Map 2079A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Corrigan, D., and Wodicka, N., 2005.  Geology, Piling Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Map 2080A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Corrigan, D., and Wodicka, N., 2005.  Geology, Straits Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Map 2081A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Corrigan, D., and Wodicka, N., 2005.  Geology, Dewar Lakes, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Map 2082A, 1:100 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Henderson, I., and Baragar, W.R.A., 2006.  Geology, Cape Smith Belt and adjacent domains, Ungava Peninsula, Quebec and Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4930, 1:300 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Jackson, G., and Henderson, I., 2006.  Geology, Baffin Island (south of 70ºN and east of 80ºW), Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 4931, 1:500 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lamothe, D., Henderson, I., and Ford, A., 2007.  Digital Geoscience Atlas of the Cape Smith Belt and adjacent domains, Ungava Peninsula, Quebec and Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5117, DVD.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Ford, A., and Henderson, I., 2007.  Digital Geoscience Atlas of Baffin Island south of 70ºN, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5116, DVD.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Sanborn-Barrie, M., and Young, M., 2007.  Geology, Mingo Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5433, 1:250 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Sanborn-Barrie, M., and Young, M., 2007.  Geology, Foxe Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5434, 1:250 000 scale.
  • Peshko, M., Harris, J., Budkewitsch, P., St-Onge, M.R., McGregor, R., and Desnoyers, D., 2006.  Hyperspectral units, White Bear Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5051, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Peshko, M., Harris, J., Budkewitsch, P., St-Onge, M.R., McGregor, R., and Desnoyers, D., 2006.  Hyperspectral units, Robert Point, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5052, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Peshko, M., Harris, J., Budkewitsch, P., St-Onge, M.R., McGregor, R., and Desnoyers, D., 2006.  Hyperspectral units, Canon Inlet, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5053, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Peshko, M., Harris, J., Budkewitsch, P., St-Onge, M.R., McGregor, R., and Desnoyers, D., 2006.  Hyperspectral units, Livingstone River, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5054, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Peshko, M., Harris, J., Budkewitsch, P., St-Onge, M.R., McGregor, R., and Desnoyers, D., 2006.  Hyperspectral units, Soper Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 5055, 1:100 000 scale.
  • Harrison, J.C., St-Onge, M.R., Petrov, O., Strelnikov, S., Lopatin, B., Wilson, F., Tella, S., Paul, D., Lynds, T., Shokalsky, S., Hults, C., Bergman, S., Jepsen, H.F., and Solli, A., 2008. Geological map of the Arctic.  Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5816, 1:5M scale, 5 sheets.
  • Harrison, J.C., St-Onge, M.R., Petrov, O., Strelnikov, S., Lopatin, B., Wilson, F., Tella, S., Paul, D., Lynds, T., Shokalsky, S., Hults, C., Bergman, S., Jepsen, H.F., and Solli, A., 2011. Geological map of the Arctic.  Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2159A, 1:5M scale, 5 sheets.
  • Harrison, J.C., St-Onge, M.R., Petrov, O., Strelnikov, S., Lopatin, B., Wilson, F., Tella, S., Paul, D., Lynds, T., Shokalsky, S., Hults, C., Bergman, S., Jepsen, H.F., and Solli, A., 2011. Carte géologique de l’Arctique, Commission géologique du Canada Carte 2159A, échelle 1:5M, 5 feuillets.
  • Harrison, J.C., St-Onge, M.R., Petrov, O., Strelnikov, S., Lopatin, B., Wilson, F., Tella, S., Paul, D., Lynds, T., Shokalsky, S., Hults, C., Bergman, S., Jepsen, H.F., and Solli, A., 2011. Geological map of the Arctic.  Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2159A, 1:5M scale, DVD with user guide.
  • Sanborn-Barrie, M., Young, M., Whalen, J., James, D., and St-Onge, M.R., 2011.  Geology, Ujuktuk Fiord, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map no. 1, (ed. prelim.), 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet and 1 CD-ROM, doi:10.4095/288206.
  • Sanborn-Barrie, M., Young, M., Whalen, J., James, D., and St-Onge, M.R., 2011.  Geology, Kingnait Fiord, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map no. 2, (ed. prelim.), 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet and 1 CD-ROM, doi:10.4095/288206.
  • Sanborn-Barrie, M., Young, M., Whalen, J., James, D., and St-Onge, M.R., 2011.  Geology, Touak Fiord, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map no. 3, (ed. prelim.), 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet and 1 CD-ROM, doi:10.4095/288206.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Tella, S., 2013.  Geological map of the northeastern Canadian Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map no. xx, (ed. prelim.), 1:1 500 000 scale, 1 sheet and 1 CD-ROM.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Tella, S., 2013.  Geological map of the northwestern Canadian Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map no. xx, (ed. prelim.), 1:1 500 000 scale, 1 sheet and 1 CD-ROM.
  • Machado, G., Bilodeau, C., and St-Onge, M.R., 2013.  Geology, Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map no. 135, (ed. prelim.), 1:1 500 000 scale, 1 sheet and 1 CD-ROM.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Harrison, J.C., Paul, D., Tella, S., Brent, T., Jauer, C. and Maclean, B., 2014.  Tectonic Map of Arctic Canada (TeMAC). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 187, (ed. prelim.), 1:4 000 000 scale.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Steenkamp, H. and Gilbert, C., 2015.  Geology, Grinnell Glacier, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 217E, (ed. prelim.), CNGO OFM2015-04E, 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Steenkamp, H. and Gilbert, C., 2015.  Geology, Pritzler Harbour, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 216E, (ed. prelim.), CNGO OFM2015-03E, 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Steenkamp, H. and Gilbert, C., 2015.  Geology, Terra Nivea, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 215E, (ed. prelim.), CNGO OFM2015-02E, 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Steenkamp, H. and Gilbert, C., 2015.  Geology, Grinnell Glacier, Baffin Island, Nunavut – Inuktitut version. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 217S, (ed. prelim.), CNGO OFM2015-04S, 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Steenkamp, H. and Gilbert, C., 2015.  Geology, Pritzler Harbour, Baffin Island, Nunavut – Inuktitut version. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map CGM 216S, (ed. prelim.), CNGO OFM2015-03S, 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Steenkamp, H. and Gilbert, C., 2015.  Geology, Terra Nivea, Baffin Island, Nunavut – Inuktitut version. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map CGM 215S, (ed. prelim.), CNGO OFM2015-02S, 1:100 000 scale, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Amittok Lake (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 255 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-12, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Amittok Lake (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 256 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-13, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Clearwater Fiord (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 257 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-14, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Clearwater Fiord (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 258 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-15, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, McKeand River (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 259 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-16, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, McKeand River (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 260 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-17, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Irvine Inlet (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 261 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-18, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Irvine Inlet (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 262 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-19, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Sylvia Grinnell Lake (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 253 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-10, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., Rayner, N.M., Chadwick T., and Liikane, D., 2016.  Geology, Sylvia Grinnell Lake (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 254 (preliminary); Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-11, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R., 2016. Geology, Loks Land, Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 25-I (part). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 264, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-01, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Ward Inlet (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 25-O (south) and 25-J (part). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 266, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-02, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Ward Inlet (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 25-O (north). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 265, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-03, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Beekman Peninsula (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 25-P (south) and 15-M (part). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 267, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-04, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Beekman Peninsula (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 25-P (north) and 15-M (part). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 268, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-05, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Leybourne Islands (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 26-A (south). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 269, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-06, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Leybourne Islands (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 26-A (north). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 271, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-07, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Chidliak Bay (south), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 26-B (south). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 272, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-08, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Steenkamp, H., Gilbert, C. and St-Onge, M.R. 2016: Geology, Chidliak Bay (north), Baffin Island, Nunavut, NTS 26-B (north). Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 270, (preliminary), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Open File Map OFM2016-09, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Saumur, B.M., Skipton, D.R., St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., Bros, E.R., and Weller, O.M., 2018.  Geology, Mumiksaa – Milne Inlet, Nunavut, parts of NTS 38-B and 48-A.  Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 348, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., Bros, E.R., Currie, L.D., Haggart, J.W., and Weller, O.M., 2018.  Geology, Pond Inlet, Nunavut, part of NTS 38-B. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 347, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Saumur, B.M., Skipton, D.R., St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., Bros, E.R., and Weller, O.M., 2018.  Geology, Kanajuqtuuq (Paquet Bay), Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 349, scale 1:100 000, 1 sheet.
  • Petrov, O.V., Morozov, A.F., Shokalsky, S.N., Pospelov, I.I., Kashubin, S.N., Sobolev, N.N., Sokolov, S.D., Grikurov, G.E., Poselov, V.A., Kos’ko, M.K., Vernikovsky, V.A., Nikishin, A.M., Malyshev, N.A., Leonov, Y.G., Daragan-Suscheva, L.A., Milschtein, E.D., Petrov, E.O., Tolmacheva, T.Y., Verba, M.L., St-Onge, M.R., Harrison, J.C., Ernst, R., Guarnieri, P., Lemonnier, N., Labrousse, L., Piepjohn, K., Gaedicke, C., Faleide, J.I., Solli, A., Gernigon, L., Caina, C., Brekke, H., Gillebo, E., Stephens, M., Drachev, S.S., Moore, T., Box, S., Grantz, A., Tectonic Map of the Arctic (TeMAr).  VSEGEI:
  • Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., St-Onge, M.R., Bros, E.R., Acosta-Gongora, P., Kelly, C.J., O’Brien, M.E., Weller, O.M. & Johnston, S.T., 2020a.  Bedrock Geology, Barnes Ice Cap Northwest, Nunavut, NTS 37E west, Canadian Geoscience Map 402, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.
  • Saumur, B.M., Skipton, D.R., Zhang, S., St-Onge, M.R., Bros, E.R., Acosta-Gongora, P., Kelly, C.J., O’Brien, M.E., Weller, O.M. & Johnston, S.T., 2020.  Bedrock Geology, Nina Bang Lake, Nunavut, NTS 37F west and parts of NTS 37C, Canadian Geoscience Map 404, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000
  • Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., St-Onge, M.R., Bros, E.R., Acosta-Gongora, P., Kelly, C.J., O’Brien, M.E., Johnston, S.T. & Weller, O.M., 2020b.  Bedrock Geology, Rowley River – Isortoq River, Nunavut, NTS 37F east, Canadian Geoscience Map 406, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.
  • Saumur, B.M., Skipton, D.R., St-Onge, M.R., Jackson, G.D., Wodicka, N., Bros, E.R. & Weller, O.M., 2020.  Bedrock Geology, Angijurjuk – Mary River, Nunavut, NTS 37G west, Canadian Geoscience Map 403, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.
  • Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., St-Onge, M.R., Bros, E.R., & Weller, O.M., 2020, Bedrock Geology, Ravn River, Nunavut, NTS 37G east, Canadian Geoscience Map 405, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.
  • Harrison, C.J., St-Onge, M.R., Paul, D., and Brodaric, B., in prep.  Bedrock geology, Geology of Canada (north of 60).  Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 293, scale 1:3 000 000, 1 sheet.

Books edited

  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., and Picard, C., 1989.  Tectonic, magmatic and metallogenic evolution of the early Proterozoic Cape Smith Thrust Belt.  Geoscience Canada, 16, 49 p.
  • Lucas, S.B. and St-Onge, M.R., 1998.  Geology of the Precambrian Superior and Grenville Provinces and Precambrian fossils in North America.  Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. C-1, 387 p. (also Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada 7).
  • Pattison, D.R.M., St-Onge, M.R., and Bégin, N.J., 2005.  Truth and beauty in metamorphism: a tribute to Dugald Carmichael.  Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 510 p.
  • Bernknofp, R., Wein, A, St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S., 2007.  Analysis of improved government geological map information for mineral exploration: incorporating efficiency, effectiveness, and risk consideration.  Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 593 and US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1721, 46 p. plus DVD.

Chapters in books

  • Hoffman, P.F., Tirrul, R., King, J.E., St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1988.  Axial projections and modes of crustal thickening, eastern Wopmay orogen, northwest Canadian Shield.  In “Processes in Continental Lithospheric Deformation”, edited by S.P. Clark, Jr., B.C. Burchfield, and J. Suppe.  Geological Society of America Special Paper, 218, 1-29.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Evolution of the Cape Smith Belt: Early Proterozoic continental underthrusting, ophiolite obduction and thick-skinned folding.  In “The Early Proterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen:  Lithospheric Correlations and Evolution”, edited by J.F. Lewry and M.R. Stauffer.  Geological Association of Canada Special Paper, 37, 313-251.
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., and Helmstaedt, H., 1991.  Geology and chemistry of the early Proterozoic Purtuniq ophiolite, Cape Smith belt, northern Quebec, Canada.  In “Ophiolite Genesis and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere”, edited by Tj. Peters et al.  Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, Sultanate of Oman, 817-849.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., and Scott, D.J., 1997.  Ungava Orogen, northern Quebec: Early Proterozoic plate tectonics and the development of a greenstone belt.  In “Tectonic Evolution of Greenstone Belts”, edited by M. De Wit and L.D. Ashwal.  Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics, 35, Oxford University Press, 772-780.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1999.  Earth Systems in the Proterozoic. In “Earth Science Today”, edited by B. Murphy and D. Nance. Published by Brooks/Cole – Wadsworth, Chapter 13.4, 378-389.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Rayner, N., Sanborn-Barrie, M., Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., Wodicka, N., and Weller, O.M., 2020.  Archean and Paleoproterozoic Cratonic Rocks of Baffin Island.  In “Baffin Island and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway Geological Synthesis”, (ed.) L.T. Dafoe and N. Bingham-Koslowski. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, 608, p. 01–29.

Technical reports

  • Hoffman, P.F., St-Onge, M.R., Carmichael, D.M., and de Bie, I., 1978.  Geology of the Coronation Geosyncline (Aphebian): Hepburn Lake sheet (86J), Bear Province, District of Mackenzie.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 78-1A, 147-151.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Hoffman, P.F., 1980.  “Hot-side-up” and “hot-side-down” metamorphic isograds in north-central Wopmay Orogen, Hepburn Lake map area, District of Mackenzie.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 80-1A, 179-182.
  • Hoffman, P.F., St-Onge, M.R., Easton, R.M., Grotzinger, J., and Schulze, D.E., 1980.  Syntectonic plutonism in north-central Wopmay Orogen (early Proterozoic), Hepburn Lake map area, District of Mackenzie.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 80-1A, 171-177.
  • Hoffman, P.F., and St-Onge, M.R., 1981.  Contemporaneous thrusting and conjugate transcurrent faulting during the second collision in Wopmay Orogen; implications for the subsurface structure of post-orogenic outliers.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 81-1A, 251-257.
  • St-Onge, M.R., King, J.E., and Lalonde, A.E., 1982.  Geology of the central Wopmay Orogen (Early Proterozoic), Bear Province, District of Mackenzie: Redrock Lake (86G) and the eastern portion of the Calder River (86F) map areas.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 82-1A, 99-108.
  • St-Onge, M.R., King, J.E., and Lalonde, A.E., 1983.  Geology of the central Wopmay Orogen (Early Proterozoic), Bear Province, and the western Archean Slave Province; Redrock Lake (86G) and the eastern portion of the Calder River (86F) map areas, District of Mackenzie.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 83-1A, 147-152.
  • St-Onge, M.R., King, J.E., and Lalonde, A.E., 1984.  Deformation and metamorphism of the Coronation Supergroup and its basement in the Hepburn Metamorphic-plutonic zone of Wopmay Orogen; Redrock Lake (86G) and the eastern portion of the Calder River (86F) map areas, District of Mackenzie.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 84-1A, 171-180.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., Scott, D.J., and Bégin, N.J., 1986.  Eastern Cape Smith Belt: an early Proterozoic thrust-fold belt and basal shear zone exposed in oblique section, Wakeham Bay and Cratère du Nouveau Québec map areas, northern Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 86-1A, 1-14.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., Scott, D.J., and Bégin, N.J., 1987.  Tectono-stratigraphy and structure of the Lac Watts – Lac Cross – Rivière Déception area, central Cape Smith Belt, northern Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 87-1A, 619-632.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Lucas, S.B., Scott, D.J., and Bégin, N.J., 1988.  Thin-skinned imbrication and subsequent thick-skinned folding of rift-fill, transitional-crust, and ophiolite suites in the 1.9 Ga Cape Smith Belt, northern Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 88-1C, 1-18.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Jefferson, C., Menzel-Jones, A., Percival, J., and Vincent, J.-S., 1989.  The Geological Survey of Canada’s National Mapping Program: Proposed implementation plan.  Geological Survey of Canada Internal Report, 35 p.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Card, K., Chandler, F., Jefferson, C., Menzel-Jones, A., Percival, J., and Vincent, J.-S., 1989.  Canada’s National Geoscience Mapping Program (NATMAP): A proposal.  Geological Survey of Canada Internal Report, 13 p.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1990.  Early Proterozoic collisional tectonics in the internal zone of the Ungava (Trans-Hudson) orogen: Lacs Nuvilik and Sugluk map areas, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 90-1C, 119-132.
  • St-Onge, M.R., 1990.  NATMAP, Canada’s National Geoscience Mapping Program: Report of a workshop held March 8-10, 1990.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report, 2256, 83 p.
  • Lucas, S.B., and St-Onge, M.R., 1991.  Evolution of Archean and early Proterozoic magmatic arcs in the northeastern Ungava Peninsula, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 91-1C, 109-119.
  • Thomas, M., Grover, B., Halliday, D., St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1991.  Detailed gravity traverses across the early Proterozoic Ungava Orogen, northern Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 91-1C, 189-193.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1992.  New insights on the crustal structure and tectonic history of the Ungava Orogen (Quebec), Kovik Bay and Cap Wolstenholme map areas.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 92-1C, 31-41.
  • St-Onge, M.R., and Lucas, S.B., 1993.  Geology of the eastern Cape Smith Belt; parts of the Kangiqsujuaq, Cratère du Nouveau-Québec and Lacs Nuvilik map areas, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada Memoir, 438, 110 p.
  • St-Onge, M.R. and Lucas, S.B., 1996.  Paleoproterozoic Orogenic Belts.  In Searching for diamonds in Canada, edited by A.N. LeCheminant, D.G. Richardson, R.N.W. DiLabio, and K.A. Richardson, Geological Survey of Canada Open File, 3228, 17-24.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Hanmer, S. and Scott, D.J., 1996. Geology of the Meta Incognita Peninsula, south Baffin Island: tectonostratigraphic units and regional correlations. Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 1996-1C, 63-72.
  • Hanmer, S., St-Onge, M.R. and Scott, D.J., 1996. Structural geology of the Meta Incognita thrust belt, south Baffin Island. Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 1996-1C, 73-81.
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., and Hanmer, S., 1997. Geology of the Markham Bay – Crooks Inlet area, southern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 1997-C, 157-166.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., Wodicka, N., and Lucas, S.B., 1998.  Geology of the McKellar Bay – Wight Inlet – Frobisher Bay area, southern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 1998-C, 43-53.
  • Lucas, S.B., St-Onge, M.R., and Percival, J.A., 1998.  Introduction; Chapter 1 in Geology of the Precambrian Superior and Grenville Provinces and Precambrian fossils in North America, (co-ed) S.B. Lucas and M.R. St-Onge.  Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, 7, 1-12.  (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. C-1).
  • St-Onge, M.R., Cecile, M.P., and Thompson, R.I., 1999.  Theme session report: Bedrock mapping in Final Report on the Geological Survey of Canada Bedrock Geoscience Program Workshop, (co-ord) S.B. Lucas.  Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report, 65, 14-19.
  • Corrigan, D., Scott, D.J., and St-Onge, M.R., 2001.  Geology of the northern margin of the Trans-Hudson Orogen (Foxe Fold Belt), central Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2001-C23, 17 p.
  • de Kemp, E., Corrigan, D., and St-Onge, M.R., 2001.  Evaluating the potential for 3D structural modeling of the Archean and Paleoproterozoic rocks of central Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2001-C24, 17 p.
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., and Corrigan, D., 2002.  Geology of the Paleoproterozoic Piling Group and underlying Archean gneisses, central Baffin Island (NTS 37A, 27B).  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2002-C17, 10 p.
  • Wodicka, N., St-Onge, M.R., Scott, D.J., and Corrigan, D., 2002.  A preliminary report on the U-Pb geochronology of the northern margin of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, central Baffin Island, Nunavut Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2002-F7, 12 p.
  • Scott, D.J., St-Onge, M.R., and Corrigan, D., 2003.  Geology of the Archean Rae Craton and Mary River Group and the Paleoproterozoic Piling Group, central Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2003-C26, 12 p.
  • Sanborn-Barrie, M., St-Onge, M.R., Young, M.D., and James, D.T., 2008. Bedrock geology of southwestern Baffin Island, Nunavut: expanding the tectonostratigraphic framework with relevance to mineral resources. Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2008-6, 16 p.
  • Harris, J.R., Schetselaar, E.M., de Kemp, E., St-Onge, M.R., 2008.  Case Study 2.  LANDSAT, magnetic and topographic data for regional lithological mapping, southeast Baffin Island.  In: Remote predictive mapping: an aid for northern mapping; Harris, J.R. (ed.) Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5643, 173-182.  1 DVD
  • Harris, J.R., and St-Onge, M.R., 2008.  Case Study 3.  The advantages of high-resolution spectral and spatial hyperspectral data for lithological mapping, southeast Baffin Island.  In: Remote predictive mapping: an aid for northern mapping; Harris, J.R. (ed.) Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5643, 183-189.  1 DVD
  • Harris, J.R., Sanborn-Barrie, M., St-Onge, M.R., Pilkington, M., Lynds, T., McGregor, R., 2008.  Case Study 4.  The application of remotely sensed data for structural mapping, southwest Baffin Island.  In: Remote predictive mapping: an aid for northern mapping; Harris, J.R. (ed.) Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5643, 191-202.  1 DVD
  • Smye, A., St-Onge, M.R., and Waters, D., 2009.  Contrasting metamorphic pressure-temperature histories within the Trans-Hudson Orogen’s hinterland – southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2009, 15 p.
  • Machado, G., Bilodeau, C., Takpanie, R., St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N., Skipton, D., Young, M., From, R., MacKay, C., Creason, G. and Braden, Z., 2012. Hall Peninsula regional bedrock mapping, Baffin Island, Nunavut – Summary of field work.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2012, 13-22.
  • Skipton, D., Schneider, D., and St-Onge, M.R., 2012. Preliminary observations on Archean and Paleoproterozoic metamorphism and deformation of the southern Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2012, 29-42.
  • Braden, Z., Young, M., St-Onge, M.R., Skipton, D., and Mate, D., 2012. Field observations on D1 and D2 deformation fabrics and metamorphic mineral growth in the Newton Fiord region of Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2012, 65-74.
  • Mackay, C., Ansdell, K., St-Onge, M.R., Young, M., Machado, G., and Bilodeau, C., 2012. Geological relationships in the Iinagujagaq area, Southern Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2012, 55-64.
  • Rayner, N., Machado, G., Young, M., Bilodeau, C., St-Onge, M.R., and the bedrock mapping team, 2012. U-Pb geochronological studies of Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut: Contributions to mapping and tectonics.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2012, 23-28.
  • From, R., Camacho, A., and St-Onge, M.R., 2012. The nature and origin of the Eastern Orthogneiss Domain, Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2012, 43-54.
  • Skipton, D.R. and St-Onge, M.R., 2013. Paleoproterozoic deformation and metamorphism in metasedimentary rocks west of Okalik Bay: a field template for the evolution of the eastern Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2013, 63-72.
  • Dyck, B. and St-Onge, M.R., 2013. Dehydration melting reactions, leucogranite emplacement and the Paleoproterozoic structural evolution of Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2013, 73-82.
  • Steenkamp, H.M. and St-Onge, M.R., 2013. Overview of the 2013 regional bedrock mapping program on northern Hall peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2013, 27-38.
  • From, R. E., St-Onge, M.R., and Camacho, A.L., 2013. Preliminary characterization of the Archean orthogneiss complex of Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut: Insights from the Isuqsaliuqsimajuq (snow bowl) study area.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2013, 53-62.
  • Steenkamp, H.M., Bros, E.R. and St-Onge, M.R., 2013. Layered mafic intrusions and hydrated ultramafic bodies: New economic and carving stone potential on northern Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island.  Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2013, 11-20.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Steenkamp, H.M. and Skipton, D.R., 2015. Bedrock mapping of Meta Incognita Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut. In Summary of Activities 2014, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 105-118.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Liikane, D. and Chadwick, T., 2015. Mafic, ultramafic and layered mafic-ultramafic sills, Meta Incognita Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut. In Summary of Activities 2014, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 11-16.
  • Miles, W., Mate, D.J., St-Onge, M.R. and Steenkamp, H.M., 2015. McKeand River area , Nunavut, Aeromagnetic Survey. In Summary of Activities 2014, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office,p. 97-104.
  • Rayner, N.M., St-Onge, M.R. and Miles, W.F., 2014.  Report of activities for completing the regional bedrock mapping of the southern half of Baffin Island: GEM 2 Baffin Project; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7704. doi:10.4095/295525
  • Brodaric, B., Paul, D., St-Onge, M.R., and Harrison, C., 2015.  The Tri-territorial (TriT) Bedrock Database design and science language; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7859. 200 pages, doi:10.4095/296669. 
  • Paul, D., Brodaric, B., St-Onge, M.R., Harrison, C., and Zhao, P., 2015. Tri-Territorial Bedrock Database Knowledge Entry Tool (KET); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7932, 36 pages, doi:10.4095/297313
  • Tschirhart, V., St-Onge, M.R. and Weller, O.M., 2015. Preliminary geophysical interpretation of the McKeand River area, Baffin Island, Nunavut: insights from gravity, magnetic and geological data. Summary of Activities 2015, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 49-60.
  • Weller, O.M., Dyck, B.J., St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N. and Tschirhart, V. 2015: Completing the bedrock mapping of southern Baffin Island, Nunavut: plutonic suites and regional stratigraphy.  In Summary of Activities 2015, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 33-48.
  • Liikane, D.A., St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Kjarsgaard, B.A., Ernst, R.E., Kastek, N., 2016: Frobisher suite mafic, ultramafic, and layered mafic-ultramafic sills, southern Baffin Island, Nunavut. In Summary of Activities 2015, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 21-32.
  • Chadwick, T.C., St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M. and Dyck, B.J. 2015: A structural overview of the Ptarmigan Fiord basement/cover thrust imbricates and mylonite development, Hall Peninsula, Nunavut. In Summary of Activities 2015, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 61-72.
  • Rayner, N., St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M. and Tschirhart, V. 2015: 2015 Report of Activities for Completing the Regional Bedrock Mapping of the southern half of Baffin Island: GEM 2 Baffin Project. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7953, 33 p. doi:10.4095/297297
  • Liikane, D.A., St-Onge, M.R., Rayner, N.M., Kjarsgaard, B.A., Ernst, R.E., Kastek, N., 2015: Data tables accompanying “Frobisher suite mafic, ultramafic and layered mafic-ultramafic sills, southern Baffin Island, Nunavut”; Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Geoscience Data Series GDS2015-014, Microsoft® Excel® file.
  • St-Onge, M.R., Weller, O.M. and Rayner, N.M., 2016: 2016 Report of Activities for Completing the Regional Bedrock Mapping of the southern half of Baffin Island: GEM 2 Baffin Project. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8118, 9 p. doi:10.4095/299195
  • Saumur, B.M., Skipton, D.R. and St-Onge, M.R., 2017: Report of Activities 2017, GEM-2 Baffin Project: regional bedrock mapping of northern Baffin Island (Pond Inlet and Mary River areas), Nunavut.  Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8304, 9 p. doi: 10.4095/305957
  • Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., Bros, E.R., Morin, A., Brouillette, P., Weller, O.M., 2017: Precambrian bedrock geology of the Pond Inlet – Mary River area, northern Baffin Island, Nunavut.  In Summary of Activities 2017, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 49-67.
  • Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M. and St-Onge, M.R., 2018.  Regional bedrock mapping of northern Baffin Island (Steensby Inlet and Barnes Ice Cap areas), Nunavut: GEM-2 Baffin Project, report of Activities 2018. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8484, 16 p.
  • Bingham-Koslowski, N., Dafoe, L.T., St-Onge, M.R., Haggart, J.W., and Campbell, C., 2018.  Report of activities for the Baffin geological synthesis (2018), GEM-2 Baffin Project.  Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8483, 11 p.
  • Saumur, B.M., Skipton, D.R., St-Onge, M.R., Bros, E.R., Acosta-Gongora, P., Kelly, C.J., Morin, A., O’Brien, M.E., Johnston, S.T., and Weller, O.M., 2018. Precambrian geology of the surroundings of Steensby Inlet and western Barnes Ice Cap (parts of NTS 37E, 37F, 37G), Baffin Island, Nunavut; in Summary of Activities 2018, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 29–46.
  • Skipton, D.R., Wodicka, N., McNicoll, V., Saumur, B.M., St-Onge, M.R., and Young, M.D., 2019. U-Pb zircon geochronology of Archean greenstone belts (Mary River Group) and surrounding Archean to Paleoproterozoic rocks, northern Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8585, 1 .zip file.
  • Skipton, D.R., St-Onge, M.R., and Joyce, N.L., 2020. 40Ar/39Ar biotite, muscovite, and hornblende ages from the Cape Smith belt and Superior Craton, northern Quebec; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8710, 1 .zip file.
  • Geological Survey of Canada, 2020. Cartographic symbol standard for geological map production.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8572, version 1.0.  1 .zip file.
  • Geological Survey of Canada, 2020. Geological Symbol Standard Style File -Bedrock Symbols. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8572, version 1.0.  1 .zip file.