Jane Barling

Jane Barling

Research Fellow in Geochemistry

Mantle heterogeneity is identified by both geophysicists and geochemists. Their observations are complementary but not well integrated. Geophysicists measure the travel times of seismic waves through the earth which enables them to identify mantle regions through which seismic waves travel faster or slower than average. In contrast geochemists document the chemical heterogeneity of the mantle by analysing magmas erupted from volcanoes. Using radiogenic isotopes such as Nd, Sr & Pb has enabled them to characterise the extremes of compositional heterogenety in the mantle, these extremes are called mantle components. In the last 10 years the first steps have been taken towards mapping of these components onto the geophysically identified heterogeneities. The application of non-traditional stable isotopes to mantle geochemistry is also very recent but has already proved useful in constraining subduction zone processes. The extent to which fractionation of non-traditional stable isotopes at the surface and during subduction is detectable in the mantle materials and the degree to which high temperature mantle processes can fractionate them, is as yet unknown.

My focus is on investigating Ni and Mo isotope variations in OIB in order to contribute to our understanding of the processes involved in developing large-scale mantle source heterogenity and using this information to further enhance the linking of geochemical and geophysical heterogeneities. The simple binary mixing systematics seen in radiogenic isotopes in Heard Island lavas makes this OIB suite particularly useful for interpreting non-traditional stable isotope systematics.


  • Barling, J., Yang, J. and Liang, Y.-H. (2018). Molybdenum Isotopes. In: White W.M. (ed) Encyclopedia of Geochemistry. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Cham.
  • Yang, J., Barling, J., Siebert, C., Fietzke, J., Stephens, E. and Halliday, A.N. (2017). The molybdenum isotopic composition of I-, S- and A-type granitic Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 205, 168-186, doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.027
  • Yang, J., Siebert, C., Barling, J., Savage, P., Liang, Y.-H. and Halliday, A.N. (2015). Absence of molybdenum isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation at Hekla volcano, Iceland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 162, 126-136, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.011.
  • Barling, J. and Weis, D. (2012). An isotopic perspective on mass bias and matrix effects in multi-collector inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27(4), 653-662, doi: 10:1039/C2JA10382F.
  • Barling, J. and Weis, D. (2008). Influence of non-spectral matrix effects on the accuracy of Pb isotope ratio measurement by MC-ICP-MS: implications for the external normalization method of instrumental mass bias correction. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23(7), 1017-1025. DOI: 10.1039/b717418g
  • Barling, J. and Anbar, A.D. (2004). Molybdenum isotope fractionation during adsorption by manganese oxides. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 217, 315-329.
  • Arnold, G.L., Anbar, A.D., Barling, J. and T.W. Lyons (2004). Molybdenum Isotope Evidence for Widespread Anoxia in Mid-Proterozoic Oceans. Science, 304, 87-89.
  • Barling, J., Arnold, G.L. and Anbar, A.D. (2001). Natural mass-dependent variations in the isotopic composition of molybdenum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 193, 447-457.
  • Weis, D.A., Ingle, S., Damasceno, D., Frey, F.A., Nicolaysen, K.E., Barling, J., and the Leg 183 Shipboard Scientific Party (2001). Origin of continental components in Indian Ocean basalts: Evidence from Elan Bank (Kerguelen Plateau, ODP Leg 183, Site 1137). Geology, 29, 147-150.
  • Hilton, D.R., Barling, J. and Wheller, G.E. (1995) Effect of shallow-level contamination on the helium isotope systematics of ocean-island lavas. Nature, 373, 330-333.
  • Barling, J., Goldstein, S.L. and Nicholls, I.A. (1994). Geochemistry of Heard Island (southern Indian Ocean): characterisation of an enriched mantle component and implications for enrichment of the sub-Indian Ocean mantle. J.Petrology, 35, 1017-1053.
  • Barling, J. and Goldstein, S.L. (1990). Heard Island: Extreme isotopic variations in Heard Island lavas and the nature of mantle reservoirs. Nature, 348, 59-62.


  • Hopkins, S.S., Prytulak, J., Barling, J., Russell, S.S., Coles, B.J. and Halliday, A.N. (2019). The vanadium isotopic composition of lunar basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 511, 12-24.
  • Li, C., Francois, R., Yang, S.. Barling, J., Darfeuil, S., Luo, Y. and Weis, D. (2016). Constraining the transport time of lithogenic sediments to the Okinawa Trough (East China Sea) Chemical Geology, 445, 1199-207, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.010
  • Duncan, R.A., Quilty, P.G., Barling, J. and Fox J.M. (2016). Geological development of Heard Island, Central Kerguelen Plateau, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 63, 81-89, doi.org/10.1080/08120099.2016.1139000.
  • Abraham, K., Barling, J., Siebert, C., Belshaw, N., Gall, L. and Halliday, A.N. (2015). Determination of mass-dependent variations in tungsten stable isotopes composition of geological reference materials by double-spike and MC-ICPMS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30, 2334-2342, DOI: 10.1039/C5JA00210A
  • Cornelis, J.-T., Weis, D., Lavkulich, L., Vermeire, M.-L., Delvaux, B. and Barling, J. (2014). Silicon isotopes record dissolution and re-precipitation of pedogenic clay minerals in a podzolic soil chronosequence. Geoderma, 235-236, 19-29, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.06.023.
  • Nobre-Silva, I.G., Weis, D., Scoates, J.S. and Barling, J. (2013). The Ninetyeast Ridge and its Relation to the Kerguelen, Amsterdam and St. Paul Hotspots in the Indian Ocean. J.Petrology, 54(6), 1177-1210, doi:10.1093/petrology/egt009.
  • Nobre-Silva, I.G., Weis, D., Barling, J. and Scoates, J.S. (2009). Leaching systematics and matrix elimination for the determination of high-precision Pb isotope compositions of ocean island basalts. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 10, Q08012, doi: 10.1029/2009GC002537.
  • Shiel, AE, Barling, J, Orians, KJ, and Weis, D. (2009). Matrix effects on the multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric analysis of high-precision cadmium and zinc isotope ratios Analytica Chimica Acta, 633(1), 29-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2008.11.026.
  • Weis, D., Kieffer, B., Hanano, D., Silva, IN., Barling, J., Pretorius, W., Maerschalk, C., Mattielli, N. (2007). Hf isotope compositions of US Geological Survey reference materials. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 8, Q06006, doi: 10.1029/2006GC001473.
  • Weis D., Kieffer B., Maerschalk C., Barling J., De Jong J., Williams G., Hanano D., Pretorius W., Mattielli N., Scoates J.S., Goolaerts A., FriedmanR., Mahoney J.B. (2006). High-precision isotopic characterization of USGS reference materials by TIMSand MC-ICP-MS. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7, Q08006, doi:10.1029/2006GC001283.
  • Stephenson J., Barling J., Wheller G. and Clarke I. (2006). The geology and volcanic geomorphology of Heard Island. In: Green K. and Woehler E. (eds) Heard Island. Southern Ocean Sentinel. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW, Australia.
  • Mansfeld, J.; Beunk, F.F.; Barling, J. (2005). 1.83-1.82 Ga formation of a juvenile volcanic arc – implications from U-Pb and Sm-Nd analyses of the Oskarshamn-Joenkoeping Belt, southeastern Sweden. GFF 127, 149-157.
  • Weis D., Kieffer B., Maerschalk C., Pretorius W., Barling J. (2005). High-precision Pb-Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic characterization of USGS BHVO-1 and BHVO-2 reference materials. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi: 10.1029/2004GC000852.
  • Brantley, S.L., Liermann, L.J., Guynn, R.L., Anbar, A.D., Icopini, G.A. and Barling, J. (2004). Fe isotope fractionation during mineral dissolution with and without bacteria. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 3189-3204.
  • Roe, J.E., Anbar, A.D. and Barling, J. (2003). Nonbiological fractionation of Fe isotopes: evidence of an equilibrium isotope effect. Chemical Geology, 195, 69-85.
  • Anbar, A.D., Knab, K.A. and Barling, J. (2001). Precise determination of mass-dependent variations in the isotopic composition of molybdenum using MC-ICPMS. Analytical Chemistry, 73, 1425-1431.
  • Anbar, A.D., Roe, J.E., Barling, J., and Nealson, K.H (2000). Non-biological fractionation of iron isotopes. Science, 288, 126-128.
  • Barling, J., Weis, D. and Demaiffe, D. (2000). A Sr-, Nd- and Pb isotopic investigation of magma chamber processes in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion, S.Norway. Chemical Geology, 165, 47-65.
  • Frey F.A., Coffin M.F., Wallace P.J., Weis D., Zhao X., Wise S.W.Jr., Wähnert V., Teagle D.A.H., Saccocia P. J., Reusch D.N., Pringle M.S., Nicolaysen K.E., Neal C.R., Müller R.D., Moore C.L., Mahoney J.J. Keszthelyi, L., Inokuchi H., Duncan R.A., Delius H., Damuth J.E., Damasceno D., Coxall H.K., Borre M.K., Boehm F., Barling J., Arndt N.T. and Antretter M. (2000). Origin and evolution of a submarine large igneous province: the Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge, southern Indian Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 176, 73-89.
  • Barling, J., Hertogen, J. and Weis, D. (1997). Whole-rock Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics and geochemistry of undeformed, deformed and recrystallised gabbros from Sites 921, 922 and 923 in the MARK Area. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 153, 351-362: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program).
  • Barling J. (1990). Heard and McDonald Islands. In: LeMasurier WE and Thompson JW (eds) Volcanoes of the Antarctic Plate and Southern Oceans. Antarctic Research Series, Volume 48. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA.