Hauke Marquardt

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Properties and processes occuring in the deep interiors of planets govern their evolution over time. We use state-of-the-art experimental techniques both in the Oxford laboratories and at Synchrotron and FEL facilities (Diamond Light Source, DESY Germany, European XFEL, ESRF) to understand the properties of materials at the extreme pressure and temperature conditions typical for the deep interior of planets. Most of our experiments are performed in diamond-anvil cells coupled with x-ray diffraction or optical spectroscopy, complemented by ex-situ methods including electron microsopy. The experimental data are the basis to interpret planetary observations (such as seismic data or density variations). Our measurements also serve as input parameters for large-scale dynamic models that simulate the evolution of planets and planetary interiors. These models ultimately allow us to extrapolate observations in time. We are also closely interacting with geo- and cosmochemistry in order to define materials of interest and chemical variabilities.


We are currently focusing our research in four main directions:

  1. ERC CoG DEEP-MAPS -> Deep Earth Mantle Phase Transition Maps: Studied by Time-Resolved Experiments
  2. Experimental Elasticity for Planetary Interior Exploration -> Structure and Compositon of „Rocky“ Planets
  3. Experimental Deformation Studies -> Understand the Dynamics of Planetary Interiors
  4. Dynamic Compression Experiments to Study Planetary Ice Compounds -> Improve Interior Models of Ice Giant and „Mini-Neptune“ Planets

- Mineralogy/Mineral physics/Geophysics of the Deep Mantle

- Analytical Methods (XRD, optical spectroscopy)

- High-pressure experimental methods

- Physical Thermodynamics

2022 - Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford

2018 - 2022 Associate Professor for Solid Earth Geosciences, University of Oxford

2018 - Tutorial Fellow and Governing Body Member at Worcester College, Oxford

2014 - 2018 Emmy Noether Group leader at Bayerisches Geoinstitut (BGI), University Bayreuth

2010 - 2014 Postdoctoral researcher at German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Potsdam

2009 Postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Berkeley

2007 - 2009 Doctoral research assistant at Free University Berlin
