Congratulations to our two Leverhulme Prize winners

Congratulations to our two Leverhulme Prize winners

The Department is delighted to announce that two of our Associate Professors have been awarded Philip Leverhulme Prizes. The award of a Prize reflects compelling recognition of their research achievements.

Professor Karin Sigloch is Associate Professor of Geophysics and Tutorial Fellow at Exeter College. Her research uses seismic tomography to study the structure of the earth’s interior in order to understand its heat and material flows. These flows drive the motions of tectonic plates, formation of oceans, volcanism, and continental tectonics.

Find out more about Karin’s research here.

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Nick Tosca is Associate Professor of Sedimentary Geology and Tutorial Fellow at St Peter’s College. His research is focused on understanding how climate is written in the sedimentary record, using geochemistry to better understand sedimentary systems. His work links sedimentary geology, palaeobiology, the mineral sciences and multiple sub-disciplines of geochemistry, and involves both laboratory and field work.
Find out more about Nick’s research here.
We congratulate Karin and Nick and look forward to sharing more about their research in future.