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Photomicrograph: borosilicates - werdingite and grandidierite

Rare borosilicates from Namaqualand, S. Africa: an intergrowth of blue grandidierite and dark spinel, 1mm across, invades pale yellow werdingite.

The "Maltese Cross", Cedarberg Mountains, S Africa

Dave Waters

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford
Associate Professor of Metamorphic Petrology (retired)
Honorary Associate, University Museum of Natural History
Emeritus Fellow of St Cross College

This is my personal home page, with research summaries, information and links relating to petrology, mineralogy, and the use of IT in teaching. Online since January 1996.

For activities of the research group as a whole, see the Hard Rock Group web site. Elsewhere there is also a Departmental profile page (which links back here).

Petrology and Tectonics Research:
Information, recent publications and other materials relating to my own research and that of my colleagues and graduate students.

Practical Aspects of Thermobarometry:
A guide to the determination and interpretation of P-T histories of metamorphic rocks, including thermobarometry and phase diagram calculation using THERMOCALC and the Holland and Powell thermodynamic data-set.

OESIS: Oxford Earth Science Image Store:
Images for Earth Science teaching, a project in development. Includes a virtual field trip to NW Scotland, and searchable atlases of metamorphic rocks and minerals.

Internal Stuff:
Materials for internal circulation (access restricted to the Oxford domain), including research-related pages and fourth-year project information.

Teaching Materials:
Links to my own course materials on WebLearn (Oxford single-sign-on required).

My apologies to those who have found my pages of links useful in the past. I'm afraid I am no longer able to maintain a full list. You'll find a selection by following Useful Links in the main menu. Other areas of the site are periodically revised.