Electron Micro-Analysis

Welcome to the electron micro-analysis laboratories in the Department of Earth Science at the University of Oxford.  Here, we examine geologic materials by bombarding them with high-energy electron beams which allow us to take high-resolution images, accurately measure chemical composition, and obtain crystallographic information. For the specific capabilities of the scanning electron microscope and the electron microprobe, click on the instrument pages below.

The Electron Micro-Analysis labs are lab are overseen by Dr. Andrew Matzen and  Dr. Jon Wade

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Laboratory

Our FEI Quanta 650 SEM is equipped with secondary and backscattered detectors, Oxford Instruments EBSD and EDS systems, and a CL detector.  The instrument has a field emission gun source allowing for imaging of features down to a few nanometers, and can be operated in a low vacuum mode to accommodate insulating samples.

Electron Microprobe (EPMA) Laboratory

Our Cameca SX5-FE is equipped with a field emission gun, 5 wavelength-dispersive detectors, and 1 energy-dispersive detector. This instrument can measure major, minor, and occasionally trace elements down to length scales of ~300 nanometers.