Stergios Zarkogiannis

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Paleoceanography; Paleoclimate; Micropaleontology; Plankton Biomineralization; Stable Isotope and Trace Metal Geochemistry

My research interests focus on understanding the relationship between foraminiferal calcification and oceanic conditions, particularly how seawater density, salinity, and temperature influence shell weights across different ocean basins. I aim to explore how these factors impact the global carbon cycle, and how changes in pelagic calcification affect climate dynamics on both seasonal and geological timescales. My work also investigates the resilience of foraminifera to environmental changes and their potential role in atmospheric CO2 regulation throughout Earth's history.

Geochemistry, Climate and Carbon Cycle

Climate Dynamics

Analytical methods

Climate Science

I have been voted lifelong and voting member of the Greek Philosophical Society.

I have been awarded two of the most prestigious independent research fellowships: the Newton International Fellowship from the Royal Society in the UK and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Union.

Before joining the University of Oxford, I worked at several leading European institutions, including the Godwin Laboratory for Paleoclimate Research at the University of Cambridge, as well as Excellence Cluster Institutes in continental Europe, such as the Department of Geosciences at the University of Bremen in Germany and the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain.

I am a member of several European and U.S. scientific societies and have also received numerous prestigious grants, including awards from the Smithsonian Institution in the United States and the International Association of Sedimentologists.

