Mike Daly

Mike Daly

Visiting Professor

Research interests in continental tectonics, crustal evolution, basin formation and resources. Current projects include:

Participation in a multinational, geophysical and geological investigation of the driving mechanism of cratonic basins, based on the Parnaiba basin of Brazil.

Tectonic and geomorphic evolution of Central Africa; the lithospheric, crustal and tectonostratigraphic development of the complex of Proterozoic basins and orogenic belts, and Phanerozoic Permo-Triassic to Neogene rifting and high plateau formation.

Tectonic evolution of the Carboniferous basins of Northern England and the Southern North Sea based around the Integration of 2 and 3D seismic data and basin modeling techniques.

  • Daly, M.C, Tozer, B. and Watts, A.B (2018) Cratonic Basin and the Wilson Cycle: A Perspective from the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil, In: Wilson, R.W, Houseman, G.A, McCaffrey, K.J.W, Dore, A.G., and Butter, S.J.H (Eds), ” Fifty Years of the Wison Cycle Concept in Plate Tectonics”. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 470
  • Daly, M.C, Fuck, R.A, Julia, J., Macdonald, D.I.M and Watts A. B. (Eds.) (2018), Cratonic Basin Formation: A Case Study of the Parnaiba Basin of Brazil, London, Special Publication, 472.
  • Watts, A.B.,  Tozer B., Daly, M.C. and Smith, J. (2018), A Comparative Study of the Parnaiba, Michigan and Congo Cratonic Basins. In: Daly, M.C., Fuck, R.A., Julia, J., Macdonald, D.I.M  and Watts, A.B (Eds.) “Cratonic Basin Formation: A Case Study of the Parnaiba Basin of Brazil. Geological Society”, London, Special Publications, 472.
  • Porto, A.L, Daly, M.C and Fontes, S.L (2018), The Pre-Silurian Riachão Basin: A New Perspective on the Basement of the Parnaiba Basin, NE Brazil.  In: Daly, M.C., Fuck, R.A., Julia, J., Macdonald, D.I.M  and Watts, A.B (Eds) “Cratonic Basin Formation: A Case Study of the Parnaiba Basin of Brazil.” Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 472.
  • Tozer, B., Watts, A.B, and Daly, M.C (2017), Crustal Structure, Gravity Anomalies and Subsdence History of the Parnaiba Cratonic Basin, Northeast Brazil, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 5591-5621
  • McKenzie, D., Daly, M.C., and Priestley, K. (2015), The lithospheric structure of Pangea. Geology, 43(9): G36819.1.
  • Daly, M.C., Andrade, V., Barousse, C.A., Costa, R., McDowell, K., Piggott, N., and Poole, A.J. (2014), Brasiliano crustal structure and the tectonic setting of the Parnaiba basin of NE Brazil: Results of a deep seismic reflection profile. Tectonics, 33: 2102–2120.


  • McKenzie, D., Daly, M.C., and Priestley, K. (2015), The lithospheric structure of Pangea. Geology, 43(9): G36819.1.
  • Daly, M.C., Andrade, V., Barousse, C.A., Costa, R., McDowell, K., Piggott, N., and Poole, A.J. (2014), Brasiliano crustal structure and the tectonic setting of the Parnaiba basin of NE Brazil: Results of a deep seismic reflection profile. Tectonics, 33: 2102–2120.
  • Daly, M.C., (2007), Geometry and evolution of the Mesoproterozoic Irumide Belt of Zambia. In “Deformation of the Continental Crust: The Legacy of Mike Coward”. Chapter 13. Geological Society London Special Publications, 272: 223-230.
  • Daly, M.C., Bell, M.S., and Smith, P.J. (1996), The remaining resource of the UK North Sea and its future development, in K. Glennie and A. Hurst, eds, NW Europe’s hydrocarbon industry. Geological Society, London, 912:187-193.
  • Daly, M.C. (1995). Geology of the Chinsali and Mutangoshi Hills area: explanation of degree sheet 1032, SE and SW quarters. Report of the Geological Survey Department of Zambia 79.
  • Daly, M.C. (1995). Geology of the Mulilansolo Mission and Isoka area: explanation of degree sheet 1032, NE and NW quarters. Report of the Geological Survey Department of Zambia 92
  • Daly, M.C., Lawrence, S.R., Diemu-Tshiband, K., and Matouana, B. (1992), Tectonic evolution of the Cuvette Central, Zaire. Journal of the Geological Society, 149 (4): 539-546.
  • Daly M. C., Lawrence S. R., Kimun’a D., and Binga M. (1991), Late Palaeozoic deformation in central Africa: a result of distant collision? Nature, 350:605–607.
  • Daly, M.C, Cooper, M.A, Wilson, I, Smith, D.G. and Hooper, B.G.D. (1991), Cenozoic plate tectonics and basin evolution in Indonesia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 8:2-21.
  •  Daly M.C. (1989), Correlations between Nazca/Farallon Plate kinematics and forearc basin evolution in Ecuador. Tectonics, 8(4): 769-790.
  • Nichols, G.J., and Daly, M.C. (1989), Sedimentation in an intracratonic extensional basin: the Karoo of the Central Morondava Basin, Madagascar. Geological Magazine, 126 (4): 339-354.
  • Daly, M.C., Chorowicz, J., and Fairhead, J.D. (1989), Rift basin evolution in Africa: the influence of reactivated steep basement shear zones. Inversion Tectonics, Geological Society of London Special Publications, 44: 309-304.
  • Daly, M.C. (1988), Crustal shear zones in central Africa: A kinematic approach to Proterozoic tectonics. Episodes, 11, 5-11.
  • Ng’Ambi, O., Boelrijk, N.A.I.M., Priem, H.N.A. and Daly, M.C. (986), Geochronology of the Mkushi gneiss complex, central Zambia. Precambrian Research 32(4): 279-295.
  • Daly, M. C., and Quennell, A. M. (1986), Crustal shear zones and thrust belts: Their geometry and continuity in central Africa [and discussion]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 317(1539): 111-128.
  • Daly, M. C., and Woodcock, N. H. (1986),The Role of Strike-Slip Fault Systems at Plate Boundaries: Discussion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 317 (1539): 27- 31.
  • Daly, M.C. (1986), The intracratonic Irumide Belt of Zambia and its bearing on collision orogeny during the Proterozoic of Africa. In: Collision Tectonics, (editors Coward MP and Ries A). Geology Society of London Special Publications, 19: 321-328.
  • Daly, M.C.(1986), Crustal shear zones and thrust belts: their geometry and continuity in Central Africa. Philos Trans R Soc London (Ser A) 317: 111-128.
  • Coward. M. P., and Daly, M. C. (1984), Crustal lineaments and shear zones in Africa: their relationship to plate movements. Precambrian Research, 24: 27-45.
  • Daly, M.C., Chakraborty, S. K., Kasolo, P., Musiwa, M., Mumba, P., Naidu, B., Namateba, C., Ngambi O.,  Coward M. P. (1984),The Lufilian arc and Irumide belt of Zambia: Results of a geotraverse across their intersection. Journal of African Earth Sciences,  2 (4): 311-318.
  • Daly, M. C., and Unrug, R. (1982), The Muva Supergroup of northern Zambia: A craton to Mobile belt sedimentary sequence. Trans Geol Soc S Africa, 85: 155-165.