Jon Wade

Jon Wade

Associate Professor of Planetary Materials
Tel: +44 (0)1865 272003

current to old Mars. maybe.

I’m interested in the role chemical processes play in the formation of planets, and how the accretion and differentiation of a planetary body determines its subsequent evolution (and habitability). For instance, the  Earth’s metallic core generates our protective magnetic field which is crucial in making the Earth’s surface a (mostly!) pleasant and habitable place for life.  But core formation also determines the elemental make-up of Earth’s rocky mantle, and determines the abundance and availability of a number of elements used across life, perhaps most notably iron (Fe).  The terrestrial planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars – all have compositionally similar rocky mantles, but vary primarily in their iron content, which in turn reflects the different environments of planetary accretion.  But what role does mantle iron content play in keeping water on the surface of Earth for timescales that allow the evolution of complex (and occasionally intelligent) life?

To explore questions like this I use a range of experimental techniques, from high temperature furnaces operating at atmospheric pressure, to experiments performed at the pressures and temperatures found at the Martian core-mantle boundary.  Because experiments performed at very high pressures always result in small samples, my other research interest is the refinement of the analytical techniques required to make sense of the experiments. I primarily use electron and X-ray based microanalytical techniques, such as electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) and synchrotron light sources. To refine these techniques further, I can occasionally be found modelling these techniques from first principle – and, as we all know, ‘computer modelling’ is the art of generating data whilst appearing to look out of the window.

I’ve been known to dabble in other microanalysis techniques, including Laser Ablation ICP-MS, Atom Probe Tomography and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) techniques. Together with colleagues in the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine and Perkin Elmer, we’ve recently started to explore the possibilities of applying  single cell (particle) ICP-MS to the elemental analysis of biological and geological material.

As someone with, perhaps, a slightly unusual route into academia, I’m passionate about outreach, particularly to secondary school students. Earth and Planetary Science requires lots of imagination to grasp the magnitude of timescales and planetary scale events, which makes it a very accessible subject for applying basic science concepts. There are also very few ‘daft’ questions – in fact, I’ve had ideas for papers from questions asked in school talks.

Lunar themed outreach with local primary school

Lunar themed outreach with local primary school

Things I like:

A good illustration and pickled eggs

Things I don’t like:



Dyck, B., Wade, J. & Palin, R. The Effect of Core Formation on Surface Composition and Planetary Habitability. The Astrophysical Journal Letters  913, L10 (2021).

Bekaert D, Turner S, Broadley M, Barnes J, HalldórssonS, Labidi J, Wade J,  Walowski K, Barry P. Subduction-Driven Volatile Recycling: A Global Mass  Balance, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 49, 37–70  (2021)

Xia Y, Kiseeva ES, Wade J, Huang F. The effect of core segregation on the Cu and Zn isotope composition of the silicate Moon, Geochemical Perspectives Letters 12, 12-17 (2019)

Wade J, Dyck B, Palin RM, Moore JDP, Smye AJ. The divergent fates of primitive hydrospheric water on Earth and MarsNature 552 (7685), 39 (2017)

Wade, J. & Wood, B. J. The oxidation state and mass of the Moon-forming impactor. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 442, 186-193 (2016).

Book chapter:

Kearns SJ, Wade J.  Electron probe microanalysis in mineralogyEncyclopedia of the Earth Sciences, Springer.  Pp 532 – 545. (2021)