Hannah Sanderson

Hannah Sanderson


Current Research

I am working with James Bryson and Claire Nichols on magnetic field generation in rocky bodies (planets, moons and asteroids). Magnetic field generation in these bodies requires a partially molten metallic core, in which flow is being driven (often by convection). Therefore, observations of active magnetic fields and historical magnetic fields, recorded as magnetic remanences in rocks, can tell us about the interiors of rocky bodies and their thermal histories.

Currently, I am focussed on magnetic field generation in asteroids. Asteroids are the remains of the building blocks of the terrestrial planets, so we can gain unique insights into Earth’s formation by better understanding the interior compositions and dynamics of these small bodies. I have developed an updated thermal evolution model of planetesimals to predict the timing of dynamo generation in these bodies and to interpret the meteorite paleomagnetic record. In particular, I am interested in the role of mantle viscosity and radiogenic heating in planetesimal dynamo generation.

I am funded by NERC as part of the Oxford DTP in Environmental Research.


Hannah Sanderson, Amy Bonsor, Alexander Mustill, Can Gaia find planets around white dwarfs?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 517, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 5835–5852, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac2867

H Sanderson, M Jardine, A Collier Cameron, J Morin, J-F Donati, Can scallop-shell stars trap dust in their magnetic fields?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 518, Issue 3, January 2023, Pages 4734–4745, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac3302

Laura K Rogers, … , Hannah Sanderson, et. al., WD 0141−675: a case study on how to follow-up astrometric planet candidates around white dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 977–990, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad3098


I obtained my integrated master’s in Natural Sciences, specialising in Astrophysics, from the University of Cambridge in 2021.

Black background with 230,000 white dwarfs in an ellipse

All-sky view showing the position and brightness of some 230 000 white dwarfs discovered with ESA’s Gaia satellite. Copyright: ESA/Gaia/DPAC

For my master’s thesis, I worked with Amy Bonsor to investigate whether the Gaia telescope could find planets around white dwarfs. This involved examining the effects of post-main-sequence stellar evolution on planetary systems, running N-body simulations of planetary systems and understanding the sensitivity of the astrometric detection method.



One of my other areas of interest is stellar magnetic fields and I was able to explore this in the summer of my third year of my undergraduate degree on a summer research placement. I collaborated with Moira Jardine at the University of St Andrews to investigate whether dust in magnetic stable points in M dwarf coronae could explain the “scallop-shell” phenomenon observed in some M dwarfs. You can read more about my experience on the placement here.

Star with magnetic field lines and prominences with comets coming towards is

Prominences are regions ionised hydrogen trapped in magnetic field lines and are the orange regions in this figure. Dust can also be trapped in the field lines and may be delivered by comets/small bodies in the stellar system. This trapped dust can cause dips in stellar flux. Credit: Rose Waugh (@astrophys_rose), University of St Andrews

Other activities

Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EEDI)

LGBTQ+ affinity group logo

I am a postgraduate rep on the department EEDI committee. I am also one of the leaders of the department’s LGBTQ+ affinity group. The idea of the affinity group is to provide a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ members of the department to find community and solidarity in a relaxed space. We run monthly events, including relaxed lunches, ice-cream trips and talk screenings.


At Oxford, I am involved in outreach for the Physics and the Earth Sciences departments. I have taught mock tutorials on the Physics UNIQ Summer School and for Exeter and Queens College. I have been involved in Marie Curious events and have developed a workshop on planetary interiors for KS1, KS2 and KS3 students. If you want me to come deliver a workshop at your school – get in touch!

a line of a paper planetary system lying on the carpet with a person kneeling next to it. There is a Sun, followed by a red magma planet, a tidally locked planet which is read on one side and blue on the other. Then a brown rocky planet, a piece of paper representing the snow line and then a white icy planet.

I also did a lot of outreach as an undergraduate. I was Chair of the Cambridge University Astronomical Society (CUAS)  and organised talks on all areas of Astrophysics as well as helping run observing evenings using the telescopes at the Institute of Astronomy. I was also a member of Cambridge Hands On Science (CHaOS), which involved visits to primary and secondary schools to demonstrate exciting, interactive experiments to help students engage with science.


I teach tutorials for first year Mathematics for Earth Sciences and third year Vector Calculus. I also demonstrate on Arran field course and in first year Computing and Statistics.