Erdem Idiz
My Research Interests are on the fate of organic carbon in the sedimentary record and the use of molecular (biomarker) and stable isotope proxies, as well as inorganic geochemical proxies for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Specifically, I am interested in factors controlling the formation and preservation of organic-rich sequences (source rocks) and conditions leading to their subsequent conversion to oil and gas. The use of biological markers (inherited from extant organisms) to reconstruct biomass input, and the diagenetic changes in such molecules that allow us to elucidate the prevailing water column chemistry and REDOX conditions provide powerful tools for understanding past biota and their environments. The formation of organic rich sequences occur in environments ranging from terrestrial aquatic/lacustrine to fluvio-deltaic/coastal plains to marine, each with their own unique characteristics and biomass, as well as the additional challenges of evolving biota throughout the geological record. I also have a keen interest in using inorganic geochemical proxies in tandem with organic geochemical ones. I previously held roles as co-editor in chief of Organic Geochemistry and as past chair of the Organic Geochemistry Division of the Geochemical Society, as well as being on the board of the Geochemical Society.
In Review:
Celestino, R., Ruhl, M., Dickson, A., Idiz, E., Jenkyns, H., Leng, M., Mattioli, E., Minisini, D., Hesselbo. S.(2024 – in review) Protracted carbon burial following the Early Jurassic Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Posidonia Shale, Lower Saxony Basin, Germany)
Indraswari, A., Frieling, J., Mather, T., Dickson, A., Jenkyns, H., Idiz, E. (2024) The influence of sediment thermal maturity and hydrocarbon formation on Hg behaviour in the stratigraphic record – AGU Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 25, no. 6
Wang, D., Schwark, L., Ruebsam, W., Holman, A., Boettcher, M., Idiz, E., Coolen, M., and Grice, K., (2022) Eccentricity paced paleoenvironment evolution and microbial community structure in the Gulf of Mexico during the ongoing Early Eocene Climate Optimum – Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters
Wicaksono, A., Abu-Mahfouz, I., Wicaksono, A., , Idiz, E., Cartwright, J., Santamarina, C., Vahrenkamp, V., (2022) Stress Distribution around Kerogen Particles as a Measure of the Initiation of Bitumen-Filled Microfractures in Organic-Rich Source Rocks, MethodsX, Vol. 9
Abu-Mahfouz, I., Wicaksono, A., , Idiz, E., Cartwright, J., Santamarina, C., Vahrenkamp, V., (2022), Modeling the Initiation of Bitumen-Filled Microfractures in Immature, Organic-Rich Carbonate Mudrocks: The Maastrichtian Source Rocks of Jordan, Marine and Petroleum Geology
Wang, D., Coolen, M., Idiz, E., Holman, A., Hopper, P., Cockell, C., Grice, K., (2022), Correlations between lipid biomarkers of varying bioavailability and putative hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria in an Early-Eocene marlstone sedimentary record. Organic Geochemistry
Dickson, A.J., Idiz, E., Porcelli, D., Murphy, M., Celestino, R., Jenkyns, H., Poulton, S., Hesselbo, S., Hooker, J., Ruhl, M., van den Boorn, S., (2022). No effect of thermal maturity on the Mo-, U-, Cd- and Zn-isotope compositions of Lower Jurassic organic-rich sediments. Geology
Fox, C. P., Whiteside, J., Olsen, P., Cui, X., Summons, R., Idiz, E., Grice, K., (2022), Two-pronged kill mechanism at the end-Triassic mass extinction. Geology
Chang, A., Sherwood Lollar, B., Warr, O., Ferguson, G., idiz, E., Mundle, S., Barry, P., Byrne, D., Mabry, J., Ballentine, C. (2021) Determining the role of diffusion and basement flux in controlling 4He distribution in sedimentary basin fluids. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 574
Xu, W., Weijers, J.W.H., Ruhl, M., Idiz, E.F., Jenkyns, H.C., Riding, J.B., Gorbanenko, O., Hesselbo, S.P., (2021) Molecular and petrographical evidence for lacustrine environmental and biotic change in the Sichuan mega-lake (China) during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Geological Society, London, Special Publications Volume 514
Dickson, A, Jenkyns, HC, Idiz, E, Sweere, T, Murphy, M, van den Boorn, SHJM, Ruhl, M, Eldrett, JS & Porcelli, D (2021), ‘New constraints on global geochemical cycling during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cretaceous) from a 6-million-year long molybdenum-isotope record’, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 22, no. 3.
Sweere, T. C., A. J. Dickson, H. C. Jenkyns, D. Porcelli, M. Ruhl, M. J. Murphy, E. Idiz, S. H. J. M. van den Boorn, J. S. Eldrett and G. M. Henderson (2020). “Controls on the Cd-isotope composition of Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) organic-rich mudrocks from south Texas (Eagle Ford Group).” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 287: 251-262.
Hooker, J. N., M. Ruhl, A. J. Dickson, L. N. Hansen, E. Idiz, S. P. Hesselbo and J. Cartwright (2020). “Shale Anisotropy and Natural Hydraulic Fracture Propagation: An Example from the Jurassic (Toarcian) Posidonienschiefer, Germany.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125(3).
Dickson, A. J., E. Idiz, D. Porcelli and S. H. J. M. van den Boorn (2020). “The influence of thermal maturity on the stable isotope compositions and concentrations of molybdenum, zinc and cadmium in organic-rich marine mudrocks.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 287: 205-220.
Abu-Mahfouz, I. S. I., E. Idiz, J. H. Cartwright, John N., and Robinson, Stuart A. (2020). “Silica diagenesis promotes early primary hydrocarbon migration.” Geology 48(5): 483-487.
Foschi, M., M. Paganoni, J. A. Cartwright and E. Idiz (2019). “Microbial vs thermogenic gas hydrates in the South Falkland Basin: BSR distribution and fluid origin.” Marine and Petroleum Geology 102: 695-703.
Abu-Mahfouz, I. S., J. A. Cartwright, E. Idiz, J. N. Hooker, S. Robinson and S. van den Boorn (2019). “Genesis and role of bitumen in fracture development during early catagenesis.” Petroleum Geoscience 25(4): 371-388.
Xu, W., M. Ruhl, H. C. Jenkyns, M. J. Leng, J. M. Huggett, D. Minisini, C. V. Ullmann, J. B. Riding, J. W. H. Weijers, M. S. Storm, L. M. E. Percival, N. J. Tosca, E. F. Idiz, E. W. Tegelaar and S. P. Hesselbo (2018). “Evolution of the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) carbon-cycle and global climatic controls on local sedimentary processes (Cardigan Bay Basin, UK).” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 484: 396-411.
Słowakiewicz, M., M. Blumenberg, D. Więcław, H.-G. Röhling, G. Scheeder, K. Hindenberg, A. Leśniak, E. F. Idiz, M. E. Tucker, R. D. Pancost, M. J. Kotarba and J. P. Gerling (2018). “Zechstein Main Dolomite oil characteristics in the Southern Permian Basin: I. Polish and German sectors.” Marine and Petroleum Geology 93: 356-375.
Xu, W., M. Ruhl, Hugh C. Jenkyns, Stephen P. Hesselbo, James B. Riding, D. Selby, B. David A. Naafs, Johan W. H. Weijers, Richard D. Pancost, Erik W. Tegelaar and Erdem F. Idiz (2017). “Carbon sequestration in an expanded lake system during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event.” Nature Geoscience 10(2): 129-134.
Dickson, A. J., B. C. Gill, M. Ruhl, H. C. Jenkyns, D. Porcelli, E. Idiz, T. W. Lyons and S. H. J. M. van den Boorn (2017). “Molybdenum-isotope chemostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Early Jurassic).” Paleoceanography 32(8): 813-829.
Słowakiewicz, M., M. E. Tucker, K. Hindenberg, M. Mawson, E. F. Idiz and R. D. Pancost (2016). “Nearshore euxinia in the photic zone of an ancient sea: Part II – The bigger picture and implications for understanding ocean anoxia.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461: 432-448.
Dickson, A.J., Saker, M., Clark, H. C. Jenkyns, C. Bottini, E. Erba, F. Russo, O. Gorbanenko, B. D. A. Naafs, R. D. Pancost, S. A. Robinson, S. H. J. M. Boorn, E. Idiz and U. Heimhofer (2016). “A Southern Hemisphere record of global trace metal drawdown and orbital modulation of organic matter burial across the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1138, Kerguelen Plateau).” Sedimentology 64(1): 186-203.
Dickson, A. J., H. C. Jenkyns, D. Porcelli, S. van den Boorn and E. Idiz (2016). “Basin-scale controls on the molybdenum-isotope composition of seawater during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cretaceous).” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 178: 291-306.