Elizabeth Crowley

Elizabeth Crowley

Departmental Librarian
Tel: +44(1865) 272 050

I am the Departmental Librarian and I currently work 22 hours a week, usually 9am-1pm each day and some afternoons – please email me if you don’t find me at my desk and I will reply as soon as possible.

The library contains books and journals relating to the teaching and research of the department and I am always looking to develop the library collection. If you have any recommendations or suggestions, please let me know.

Having worked at the Bodleian (in the Upper Reading Room of the Radcliffe Camera and at the Main Enquiry Desk in the Old Library) from June 2000 to May 2010, I have a thorough knowledge of Oxford University’s libraries and systems so please ask me any questions you may have – if I don’t know the answer myself, I will find out for you or know who does have the answer!

If you are external to the Department, please email me to arrange a visit.