Don Porcelli

Don Porcelli

Associate Professor of Geochemistry
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 282121

My research has been focused on understanding a range of processes in the Earth Sciences using trace element distributions and isotope ratios, both with laboratory measurements and quantitative models. This includes research in:

  • The origin of volatiles in the terrestrial planets and their distribution within the Earth using noble gas isotopes and models of planetary growth and interior structure.
  • Weathering, water-rock interaction, and aqueous transport using naturally occurring radionuclides in the U and Th decay series and a range of trace metal stable isotopes.
  •  The geochemistry of the Arctic Ocean to trace the circulation and behaviour of terrestrial inputs, to identify sediment-water interactions in coastal regions, and to quantify the fluxes of terrestrial carbon.
  • The geochemistry of the Lena River of eastern Siberia that supplies nutrients and trace metals to the Arctic Ocean, and which drains a vast area underlain by permafrost subject to substantial changes during climate warming.
  • The isotopic changes in trace elements due to weathering, water-rock interactions, and microbial processes, as the basis for developing methods for tracing environmental processes.
  • The reconstruction of paleoenvironments in depositional basins using isotopic signatures found in sediments, including redox conditions and the sources of deposited material.

I am coordinator of the EC Marie Curie Initial Training Network MetTrans (Metal Transport in the Environment).

Teaching Profile

I provide lectures and tutorials on early history of the Solar System, basic aqueous chemistry, radiogenic isotope geochemistry, and mathematical methods in Earth Sciences.

  • Porcelli D, 2014. A method for determining the extent of bulk 210Po and 210Pb adsorption in aquifers. Chem. Geol. in press.
  • Armytage RMG, Jephcoat AP, Bouhifd MA, and Porcelli D, 2013. Metal-silicate partitioning of iodine at high pressures and temperatures: implications for the Earth’s core and 129Xe budgets. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 373, 140-149.
  • Alling V, Sanchez-Garcia L, Porcelli D, Pugach S, Vonk JE, van Dongen B, Mörth CM, Anderson LG, Sokolov A, Andersson P, Humborg C, Semiletov I, and Gustafsson O, 2010. Nonconservative behavior of dissolved organic carbon across the Laptev and East Siverian Seas. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 24, GB4033.
  • Porcelli D, Andersson, PS, Baskaran M, Frank M, Bjork G, and Semiletov I, 2009. The distribution of neodymium isotopes in Arctic Ocean basins. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 2645-2659.
  • Porcelli D and Elliott T, 2008. The Evolution of He Isotopes in the upper mantle and the generation of high 3He/4He ratios. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 269, 175-185.
  • Porcelli D, Ballentine CJ, and Wieler R (eds), 2002. Noble Gas Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, volume 47. Mineralogical Soc. of America and Geochemical Soc. joint publ.

Journal Publications


  • von Strandmann, PAEP, Porcelli, D, James, RH, van Calsteren, P, Schaefer, B, Cartwright, I, Reynolds, BC and Burton, KW, (2014) ‘Chemical weathering processes in the Great Artesian Basin: Evidence from lithium and silicon isotopes’, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. Vol. 406, pp. 24-36 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.014
  • Porcelli, D (2014) ‘A method for determining the extent of bulk Po-210 and Pb-210 adsorption and retardation in aquifers’, CHEMICAL GEOLOGY. Vol. 382, pp. 132-139 doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.05.021


  • Tolstikhin, I, Marty, B, Porcelli, D and Hofmann, A, (2013) ‘Evolution of volatile species in the earth’s mantle: A view from xenology’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.08.034
  • Armytage, RMG, Jephcoat, AP, Bouhifd, MA and Porcelli, D, (2013) ‘Metal-silicate partitioning of iodine at high pressures and temperatures: Implications for the Earth’s core and Xe budgets’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.031
  • Lambelet, M, Rehkämper, M, van de Flierdt, T, Xue, Z, Kreissig, K, Coles, B, Porcelli, D and Andersson, P, (2013) ‘Isotopic analysis of Cd in the mixing zone of Siberian rivers with the Arctic Ocean-New constraints on marine Cd cycling and the isotope composition of riverine Cd’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 361, pp. 64-73 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.11.034


  • Alling, V, Sanchez-Garcia, L, Gustafsson, Ö, Humborg, C, Mörth, C-M, Porcelli, D, Anderson, LG and Andersson, PS, (2012) ‘Degradation of terrestrial organic carbon, primary production and out-gassing of CO in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas as inferred from δ C values of DIC’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 95, pp. 143-159 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.07.028


  • Persson, PO, Persson, PO, Andersson, PS, Zhang, J and Porcelli, D, (2011) ‘Determination of Nd isotopes in water: A chemical separation technique for extracting Nd from seawater using a chelating resin’, Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 83, pp. 1336-1341 doi: 10.1021/ac102559k
  • Pogge von Strandmann, PAE, Burton, KW, Porcelli, D, James, RH, van Calsteren, P and Gislason, SR, (2011) ‘Transport and exchange of U-series nuclides between suspended material, dissolved load and colloids in rivers draining basaltic terrains’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 301, pp. 125-136 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.10.029


  • Alling, V, Sanchez-Garcia, L, Porcelli, D, Pugach, S, Vonk, JE, van Dongen, B, Mörth, C-M, Anderson, LG, Sokolov, A, Andersson, P, Humborg, C, Semiletov, I and Gustafsson, Ö, (2010) ‘Nonconservative behavior of dissolved organic carbon across the Laptev and East Siberian seas’, Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Vol. 24, pp. n/a-n/a doi: 10.1029/2010GB003834


  • Needham, AW, Needham, AW, Porcelli, D and Russell, SS, (2009) ‘An Fe isotope study of ordinary chondrites’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 73, pp. 7399-7413 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.08.034
  • Frank, M, Frank, M, Porcelli, D, Andersson, P, Baskaran, M, Björk, G, Kubik, PW, Hattendorf, B and Guenther, D, (2009) ‘The dissolved Beryllium isotope composition of the Arctic Ocean’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 73, pp. 6114-6133 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.07.010
  • Zimmermann, B, Porcelli, D, Frank, M, Andersson, PS, Baskaran, M, Lee, DC and Halliday, AN, (2009) ‘Hafnium isotopes in Arctic Ocean water’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 73, pp. 3218-3233 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.02.028
  • Porcelli, D, Andersson, PS, Baskaran, M, Frank, M, Björk, G and Semiletov, I, (2009) ‘The distribution of neodymium isotopes in Arctic Ocean basins’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 73, pp. 2645-2659 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.11.046
  • Zimmermann, B, Porcelli, D, Frank, M, Rickli, J, Lee, DC and Halliday, AN, (2009) ‘The hafnium isotope composition of Pacific Ocean water’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 73, pp. 91-101 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.09.033


  • Bender, ML, Barnett, B, Dreyfus, G, Dreyfus, G, Jouzel, J and Porcelli, D, (2008) ‘The contemporary degassing rate of 40Ar from the solid Earth’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 105, pp. 8232-8237 doi: 10.1073/pnas.0711679105
  • Andersson, PS, Porcelli, D, Frank, M, Björk, G, Dahlqvist, R, Dahlqvist, R and Gustafsson, O, (2008) ‘Neodymium isotopes in seawater from the Barents Sea and Fram Strait Arctic-Atlantic gateways’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 72, pp. 2854-2867 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.04.008
  • Porcelli, D and Elliott, T, (2008) ‘The evolution of He Isotopes in the convecting mantle and the preservation of high 3He/4He ratios’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 269, pp. 175-185 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.02.002
  • Amor, K, Hesselbo, SP, Porcelli, D, Thackrey, S and Parnell, J, (2008) ‘A precambrian proximal ejecta blanket from Scotland’, Geology. Vol. 36, pp. 303-306 doi: 10.1130/G24454A.1


  • Ripperger, S, Rehkämper, M, Porcelli, D and Halliday, AN, (2007) ‘Cadmium isotope fractionation in seawater – A signature of biological activity’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 261, pp. 670-684 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.07.034
  • Andersen, MB, Andersen, MB, Stirling, CH, Stirling, CH, Porcelli, D, Halliday, AN, Halliday, AN, Andersson, PS and Baskaran, M, (2007) ‘The tracing of riverine U in Arctic seawater with very precise 234U/238U measurements’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 259, pp. 171-185 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.04.051
  • Porcelli, D (2007) ‘Earth science: When crust is bred’, Nature. Vol. 446, pp. 863-864 doi: 10.1038/446863a


  • Pepin, RO and Porcelli, D, (2006) ‘Xenon isotope systematics, giant impacts, and mantle degassing on the early Earth’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 250, pp. 470-485 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.08.014


  • Teutsch, N, Teutsch, N, von Gunten, U, Porcelli, D, Cirpka, OA, Halliday, AN and Halliday, AN, (2005) ‘Adsorption as a cause for iron isotope fractionation in reduced groundwater’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 69, pp. 4175-4185 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2005.04.007
  • Nielsen, SG, Rehkämper, M, Porcelli, D, Andersson, P, Halliday, AN, Swarzenski, PW, Latkoczy, C and Günther, D, (2005) ‘Thallium isotope composition of the upper continental crust and rivers – An investigation of the continental sources of dissolved marine thallium’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 69, pp. 2007-2019 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.10.025
  • Stirling, CH, Halliday, AN and Porcelli, D, (2005) ‘In search of live 247Cm in the early solar system’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 69, pp. 1059-1071 doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.06.034


  • Swarzenski, P, Campbell, P, Porcelli, D and McKee, B, (2004) ‘The estuarine chemistry and isotope systematics of 234,238U in the Amazon and Fly Rivers’, Continental Shelf Research. Vol. 24, pp. 2357-2372 doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2004.07.025
  • Trimble, SM, Baskaran, M and Porcelli, D, (2004) ‘Scavenging of thorium isotopes in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 222, pp. 915-932 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.03.027


  • Baskaran, M, Swarzenski, PW and Porcelli, D, (2003) ‘Role of colloidal material in the removal of 234Th in the Canada basin of the Arctic Ocean’, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. Vol. 50, pp. 1353-1373 doi: 10.1016/S0967-0637(03)00140-7
  • Porcelli, D and Swarzenski, PW, (2003) ‘The behavior of U- and Th-series nuclides in groundwater’, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Vol. 52,
  • Swarzenski, PW, Porcelli, D, Andersson, PS and Smoak, JM, (2003) ‘The behavior of U- and Th-series nuclides in the estuarine environment’, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Vol. 52,


  • Ballentine, CJ, Van Keken, PE, Porcelli, D and Hauri, EH, (2002) ‘Numerical models, geochemistry and the zero-paradox noble-gas mantle.’, Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. England, Vol. 360, pp. 2611-2631 doi: 10.1098/rsta.2002.1083
  • Ballentine, CJ, van Keken, PE, Porcelli, D and Hauri, EH, (2002) ‘The mantle zero paradox noble gas concentration’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A47-A47
  • Fehr, M, Rehkamper, M, Halliday, AN and Porcelli, D, (2002) ‘Tellurium isotopes and the origin of the solar system’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A227-A227
  • Frank, M, Porcelli, D, Andersson, P, Halliday, A, Kubik, PW, Hattendorf, B and Guenther, D, (2002) ‘The behaviour of Be-10 and Be-9 in the Arctic Ocean: Relationship to water mass distribution and particle flux’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A244-A244
  • Halliday, AN, Lee, DC, Fehr, M, Quitte, G, Porcelli, D, Rehkamper, M, Stirling, C, Schonbachler, M and Woodland, S, (2002) ‘Accretion and accredited anomalies’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A304-A304
  • Nielsen, SG, Rehkamper, M, Porcelli, D, Swarzenski, P and Halliday, A, (2002) ‘Isotopic compositions and concentrations of estuarine thallium’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A554-A554
  • Porcelli, D, Ballentine, C and Halliday, AN, (2002) ‘Xe isotope evolution of the mantle’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A612-A612
  • Stirling, CH, Porcelli, D and Halliday, AN, (2002) ‘In search of live Cm-247 in the early solar system’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A743-A743
  • Teutsch, N, von Gunten, U, Porcelli, D and Halliday, AN, (2002) ‘Iron isotope fractionation in groundwater’, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 66, pp. A769-A769
  • Rehkamper, M, Frank, M, Hein, JR, Porcelli, D, Halliday, A, Ingri, J and Liebetrau, V, (2002) ‘Thallium isotope variations in seawater and hydrogenetic, diagenetic, and hydrothermal ferromanganese deposits’, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. Vol. 197, pp. 65-81 doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00462-4
  • Dunai, TJ, Porcelli, D and Porcelli, D, (2002) ‘Storage and transport of noble gases in the subcontinental lithosphere’, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Vol. 47,
  • Porcelli, D, Ballentine, CJ and Wieler, R, (2002) ‘Noble Gas Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry’, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical Society joint publication, Vol. Volume 47, pp. 1-19 doi: 10.2138/rmg.2002.47.1
  • Porcelli, D and Ballantine, C, (2002) ‘Models for the distribution of terrestrial noble gases and the evolution of the atmosphere’, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Vol. Volume 47, pp. 411-480 doi: 10.2138/rmg.2002.47.11
  • Porcelli, D and Pepin, RO, (2002) ‘Origin of noble gases in the terrestrial planets’, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Mineralogical Society of America, Vol. 47, pp. 191-246 doi: 10.2138/rmg.2002.47.7


  • Porcelli, D, Woolum, D and Cassen, P, (2001) ‘Deep Earth rare gases: initial inventories, capture from the solar nebula, and losses during Moon formation’, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. Vol. 193, pp. 237-251 doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00493-9
  • Halliday, AN and Porcelli, D, (2001) ‘In search of lost planets – the paleocosmochemistry of the inner solar system’, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. Vol. 192, pp. 545-559 doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00479-4
  • Halliday, AN, Lee, DC, Porcelli, D, Wiechert, U, Schonbachler, M and Rehkamper, M, (2001) ‘The rates of accretion, core formation and volatile loss in the early Solar System’, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES. Vol. 359, pp. 2111-2134
  • Porcelli, D and Halliday, AN, (2001) ‘The core as a possible source of mantle helium’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 192, pp. 45-56 doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00418-6
  • Porcelli, D, Porcelli, D, Andersson, PS, Baskaran, M and Wasserburg, GJ, (2001) ‘Transport of U- And Th-series nuclides in a Baltic Shield watershed and the Baltic Sea’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 65, pp. 2439-2459 doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00610-X
  • Tricca, A, Wasserburg, GJ, Porcelli, D and Baskaran, M, (2001) ‘The transport of U- and Th-series nuclides in a sandy unconfined aquifer’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 65, pp. 1187-1210 doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00617-7
  • Ballentine, CJ, Porcelli, D and Wieler, R, (2001) ‘Noble gases in mantle plumes.’, Science. United States, Vol. 291, pp. 2269- doi: 10.1126/science.291.5512.2269a
  • Van Keken, PE, Ballentine, CJ and Porcelli, D, (2001) ‘A dynamical investigation of the heat and helium imbalance’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 188, pp. 421-434 doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00343-0
  • Andersson, PS, Porcelli, D, Gustafsson, O, Ingri, J and Wasserburg, GJ, (2001) ‘The importance of colloids for the behavior of uranium isotopes in the low-salinity zone of a stable estuary’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 65, pp. 13-25 doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00514-7


  • Tricca, A, Porcelli, D and Wasserburg, GJ, (2000) ‘Factors controlling the groundwater transport of U, Th, Ra, and Rn’, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences. Vol. 109, pp. 95-108


  • Kaufman, A, Kaufman, A, Wasserburg, GJ, Porcelli, D, Bar-Matthews, M, Ayalon, A and Halicz, L, (1998) ‘U-Th isotope systematics from the Soreq cave, Israel and climatic correlations’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 156, pp. 141-155
  • Andersson, PS, Porcelli, D, Wasserburg, GJ and Ingri, J, (1998) ‘Particle transport of 234U-238U in the Kalix River and in the Baltic Sea’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 62, pp. 385-392


  • Porcelli, D, Andersson, PS, Wasserburg, GJ, Ingri, J and Baskaran, M, (1997) ‘The importance of colloids and mires for the transport of uranium isotopes through the Kalix River watershed and Baltic Sea’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 61, pp. 4095-4113


  • Porcelli, D and Wasserburg, GJ, (1995) ‘Mass transfer of helium, neon, argon, and xenon through a steady-state upper mantle’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 59, pp. 4921-4937 doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(95)00336-3
  • Porcelli, D and Wasserburg, GJ, (1995) ‘Mass transfer of xenon through a steady-state upper mantle’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 59, pp. 1991-2007 doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(95)00122-0


  • Porcelli, DR, Porcelli, DR, O’Nions, RK, Galer, SJG, Galer, SJG, Cohen, AS, Mattey, DP and Mattey, DP, (1992) ‘Isotopic relationships of volatile and lithophile trace elements in continental ultramafic xenoliths’, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. Vol. 110, pp. 528-538 doi: 10.1007/BF00344086


  • Stone, J, Porcelli, D, Vance, D, Galer, S and O’nions, RK, (1990) ‘Volcanic traces’, Nature. Vol. 346, pp. 228-


  • Porcelli, DR, Stone, JOH and O’Nions, RK, (1987) ‘Enhanced 3He 4He ratios and cosmogenic helium in ultramafic xenoliths’, Chemical Geology. Vol. 64, pp. 25-33 doi: 10.1016/0009-2541(87)90149-5


  • Porcelli, DR, O’Nions, RK and O’Reilly, SY, (1986) ‘Helium and strontium isotopes in ultramafic xenoliths’, Chemical Geology. Vol. 54, pp. 237-249 doi: 10.1016/0009-2541(86)90139-7


Books and Chapter Contributions


  • Porcelli, D and Turekian, KK, (2013) ‘The History of Planetary Degassing as Recorded by Noble Gases’ in Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition. Vol. 6, , pp. 353-382
  • Porcelli, D and Pepin, RO, (2013) ‘The Origin of Noble Gases and Major Volatiles in the Terrestrial Planets’ in Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition. Vol. 6, , pp. 383-406
  • Hilton, DR and Porcelli, D, (2013) ‘Noble Gases as Tracers of Mantle Processes’ in Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition. Vol. 3, , pp. 327-353
  • Hilton, DR and Porcelli, D, (2013) ‘Noble Gases as Mantle Tracers’ in Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition. Vol. 3, , pp. 293-325


  • Porcelli, D (2010) ‘An overview of isotope geochemistry in environmental studies’ in Baskaran, M (ed.) Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry. Springer, , pp. –


  • Porcelli, D (2008) ‘Investigating groundwater processes using U- and Th- series nuclides’ in Krishnaswami, S, Cochran, JK (eds.) U-Th series nuclides in aquatic systems. Elsevier Science, , pp. 105-153


  • Porcelli, D and Turekian, KK, (2003) ‘The History of Planetary Degassing as Recorded by Noble Gases’ in Holland, HD, Turekian, KK (eds.) Treatise on Geochemistry: The atmosphere. Elsevier, Vol. Volume 4: The Atmosphere, , pp. 281-318
  • Hilton, DR and Porcelli, D, (2003) ‘Noble gases as mantle tracers. In Treatise on Geochemistry’ in Holland, HD, Turekian, KK (eds.) Treatise on Geochemistry: The mantle and core. Elsevier, Vol. Volume 2: The mantle and core, , pp. 277-318
  • Porcelli, D and Pepin, RO, (2003) ‘The Origin of Noble Gases and Major Volatiles in the Terrestrial Planets’ in Holland, HD, Turekian, KK (eds.) Treatise on Geochemistry: The atmosphere. Elsevier, , pp. 319-347


  • Porcelli, D and Pepin, RO, (2000) ‘Rare gas constraints on early Earth history’ in Canup, RM, Righter, K (eds.) Origin of the earth and moon. University of Arizona Press, , pp. –


  • Porcelli, D and Wasserburg, GJ, (1995) ‘A unified model for terrestrial rare gases’ in Farley, KA (ed.) Volatiles in the Earth and Solar System. American Institute of Physics, Ser: American Institute of Physics Proceedings, Vol. 341, , pp. 56-69


  • Porcelli, D, Mattey, D, Exley, RA, Pillinger, CT, Menzies, MA, Galer, S and O’Nions, RK, (1989) ‘Coupling-decoupling relationships between C, He, Sr and Nd isotopes in mantle diopsides’ in Proceedings of 4th International Kimberlite Conference Kimberlites and Related Rocks. Blackwell Science Inc,
