Oxford launches climate science workshops for 15 – 19 year olds

Oxford launches climate science workshops for 15 – 19 year olds

Oxford University Museum of Natural History has been running an ambitious program of workshops aimed at examining the science of climate change with the youth of Oxford and surrounding area. The cross-disciplinary project, co-led by Dr. Ken Amor (Earth Sciences) involves researchers from across the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division of the University as well as the Dept. of Geography and the Environment.

Commencing on Saturday 14th September, the Let’s Talk About Climate workshops have engaged young people in the 15 – 19 year old age range with a series of expert talks and activities about what climate change is, how society and the environment is affected, and their personal responsibility to bring about change. They have learnt about the science behind the IPCC report and how to communicate about climate change with their friends, families and local politicians. The initial sessions focussed on climate change science, while the later meetings have examined possible technological and natural solutions.

The final event is this Saturday 2nd November, 3 – 4pm at the Museum of Natural History, where the students will be discussing their findings to members of the public and running activities. From 4 – 5pm, they will be taking part in a closed session with politicians and invited guests, including the Mayor of Oxford and the University of Oxford’s Vice-Chancellor Louise Richardson. This will be a unique opportunity for the students to ask questions and put forward their own ideas on how to tackle climate change. The group will also be displaying poposters they have made as well as a short video.

Visit the website for more information.
