Earth Sciences postgraduate awarded Best Student Presentation at the NAPC 2019

Earth Sciences postgraduate awarded Best Student Presentation at the NAPC 2019

Congratulations to Gawain Antell on being awarded the Best Student Presentation at the 11th North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC2019). The award was announced by the conference co-convener Professor Mary Droser during the closing session of the conference at the University of California, Riverside.

Gawain is a Postgraduate research student within the Palaeontology Lab at the Department of Earth Sciences in Oxford. Her presentation, titled โ€˜Ecological release is undetectable in the sea after global catastrophes throughout Earth historyยด, was one of three, jointly 1st place student talks at the conference, beating competition from over 250 other students attending.

You can learn more about Gawain’s research here and further details of Gawain’s presentation, which reveals how species that survive mass extinction events do not take over the space of fallen competitors, will be released as a publication shortly, so watch this space!

Artist impression of macroinvertebrates in their palaeomarine environment. Gwen’s research investigates these macro-invertebrates, including bivalves and brachiopods, throughout the Phanerozoic (past 550 million years). Image created by Andrew Orkney (Earth Sciences postgraduate student).