Department joins £8.5M UK research programme on greenhouse gas removal

Department joins £8.5M UK research programme on greenhouse gas removal

The Department of Earth Sciences has been selected to join a UK-wide research initiative to investigate ways to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere to counteract global warming.

Professor Gideon Henderson will lead a multi-institute consortium assessing the practicability of using enhanced weathering of waste materials from mining as a greenhouse gas removal technique.  Work in the department will focus particularly on the possible ocean impacts of such an approach, involving Professors Ros Rickaby and Samar Khatiwala,  collaborators in other Oxford Departments, and those leading the land-based research at Southampton, Cambridge, and Cardiff universities.

10 further projects, involving around 100 researchers from 40 UK universities and partner organisations will be jointly funded by the Natural Environment Research Council  (NERC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The Met Office and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) are providing in-kind support.

The department is offering a fully-funded DPhil studentship to the right candidate for this project, working on ‘Assessing the biological response to changes in ocean chemistry from increased weathering’ with Professor Henderson. For further details, see our Graduate Admissions page.

Henderson and students study corals growing in controlled environments

Henderson and students study corals growing in controlled environments

Further information on the project can be found in the NERC press release.

Find out more about Gideon Henderson’s research.