In progress

  • Panton, J., J.H. Davies, P. Koelemeijer J. Ritsema & R. Myhill. Unique composition and evolutionairy histories of low velocity mantle domains. Under review at Nature Communications, available via EarthArXiv, doi: 10.31223/X5269H.
  • Mag, A.M.**, C. Zaroli & P. Koelemeijer. Constraining Earth properties using Deterministic Backus-Gilbert inferences. Submitted to Geophys. J. Int., available via EarthArXiv, doi: 10.31223/X5HT3G.
  • Latallerie, F.‡, C. Zaroli, S. Lambotte, A. Maggi, A. Walker & P. Koelemeijer. Finite-frequency 3D surface-wave SOLA tomography: a synthetic study. In preparation for submission to Seismica.

Peer-reviewed publications

  • Restelli, F.**, C. Zaroli & P. Koelemeijer (2024). Robust estimates of the ratio between S- and P-wave velocity anomalies in the Earth's mantle using normal modes. Phys. Earth. Planet. Int., vol. 347, 107135, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2023.107135. Online.
  • Trautner**, V.E., S. Stackhouse, A. Turner*, P. Koelemeijer, D.R. Davies, A.S.J. Mendez, N. Satta, A. Kurnosov, H.-P. Liermann & H. Marquardt (2023). Compressibility of ferropericlase at high-temperature: evidence for the iron spin crossover in seismic tomography. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., vol. 618, 119296, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118296. Online
  • Richards, F.D., M.J. Hoggard, S. Ghelichkhan, P. Koelemeijer & H.C.P. Lau (2023). Geodynamic, geodetic, and seismic constraints favour deflated and dense-cored LLVPs. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., vol. 602, 117964, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl/2022/117964. Online
  • Restelli, F.**, P. Koelemeijer & A.M.G. Ferreira (2022). Normal mode observability of radial anisotropy in the Earth's mantle. Geophys. J. Int., vol. 233, is. 1, 663-679, doi:10.1093/gji/ggac474. Online
  • A.T. Ringler, R E. Anthony, R.C. Aster, C.J. Ammon, S. Arrowsmith, H. Benz, C. Ebeling, A. Frassetto, W.-Y. Kim, P. Koelemeijer, H.C P. Lau, V. Lekic, J.P. Montagner, P.G. Richards, D. P. Schaff, M. Vallee & W. Yeck (2022). Achievements and Prospects of Global Broadband Seismographic Networks after 30 Years of Continuous Geophysical Observations. Reviews of Geophysics, doi:10.1029/2021RG000749. Online
  • Robson, A.J.S., H.C.P. Lau, P. Koelemeijer & B. Romanowicz (2022). An analysis of core-mantle boundary Stoneley mode sensitivity and sources of uncertainty. Geophys. J. Int., Vol. 228(3), 1962-1974, doi:10.1093/gji/ggab448. Online
  • Koelemeijer, P. (2021). Towards consistent seismological models of the core-mantle boundary landscape. AGU monograph "Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions", edited by Marquardt, Ballmer, Cottaar & Konter, Chapter 9, pp. 229-255, doi:10.1002/9781119528609.ch9. Online PDF
  • Koelemeijer, P. & J. Winterbourne (2021). 3D printing the world: developing geophysical teaching material and outreach packages. Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol. 9, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.669095. Online
  • Chaves, C.A.M., J. Ritsema & P. Koelemeijer (2021). Comparing ray-theoretical and finite-frequency teleseismic traveltimes: implications for constraining the ratio of S-wave to P-wave velocity variations in the lower mantle. Geophys. J. Int., Vol. 224(3), 1540-1552, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa534. Online
  • Lecocq, T., S. Hicks, K. Van Noten, K. van Wijk, P. Koelemeijer, R.S.M. De Plaen, F. Massin, G. Hillers et al. (2020). Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures. Science, Vol. 369(6509), 1338--1343, doi:10.1126/science.abd2438. Online
  • Jones, T., R. Maguire, P. van Keken, J. Ritsema & P. Koelemeijer (2020). Subducted oceanic crust as the origin of seismically slow lower mantle structures. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, Vol. 7, 17, doi:10.1186/s40645-020-00327-1. Online
  • Koelemeijer, P., B.S.A. Schuberth, D.R. Davies, A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2018). Constraints on the presence of post-perovskite in Earth's lowermost mantle from tomographic-geodynamic model comparisons. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Vol. 494, 226-238, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.04.056. Online PDF
  • Mortimer, B., W. Rees*, P. Koelemeijer & T. Nissen-Meyer (2018). Classifying elephant behaviour through seismic vibrations. Current Biology, Vol. 28, R547-R548, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2018.03.062. Online PDF
  • Zaroli, C., P. Koelemeijer & S. Lambotte (2017). Toward seeing the Earth's interior through unbiased tomographic lenses. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL074996. Online PDF
  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2017). Density structure of Earth's lowermost mantle from Stoneley mode splitting observations. Nature Comm., Vol. 8, 15241, doi:10.1038/ncomms15241. Online PDF
  • Koelemeijer, P., J. Ritsema, A. Deuss & H.-J. Van Heijst (2016). SP12RTS: a degree-12 model of shear- and compressional-wave velocity for Earth's mantle. Geophy. J. Int, Vol. 204(2), 1024-1039, doi:10.1093/gji/ggv481. Online PDF
  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2013). Observations of core-mantle boundary Stoneley modes. Geoph. Res. Lett., Vol. 40 (11), 2557-2561, doi:10.1002/grl.50514. Online PDF
  • Soldati, G., P.J. Koelemeijer, L. Boschi & A. Deuss (2013). Constraints on core-mantle boundary topography from normal mode splitting. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. 14(5), 1333-1342, doi:10.1002/ggge.20115. Online PDF
  • Koelemeijer, P.J., A. Deuss & J. Trampert (2012). Normal mode sensitivity to 2012 Earth's D" layer and topography on the core-mantle boundary: What we can and cannot see. Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 190(1), 553-568, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05499.x. Online PDF
  • Koelemeijer, P.J., C.J. Peach & C.J. Spiers (2012). Surface diffusivity of cleaved NaCl crystals as a function of humidity: Impedance spectroscopy measurements and implications for crack healing in rocksalt. J. Geoph. Res., Vol. 117, B01205, doi:10.1029/2011JB008627. Online PDF
  • ‡ = Postdoc, ** = PhD student, * = MSc student, under my (co-)supervision



Non peer-reviewed publications

  • Cottaar, S. & P. Koelemeijer (2021). ''The interior of Mars revealed'' (Perspective). Science, Vol. 373(6553), 388-389, doi:doi:10.1126/science.abj8914. Online
  • Kyriakopoulos, C., N. Barth, P. Koelemeijer, J. Winterbourne & R. Toussaint (2021). ''3D Printing in Geology and Geophysics: Overview and Thoughts on Current Applications'' (Editorial article). Front. Earth. Sci., Vol. 9, p. 610, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.734291 Online

Invited key lectures and conference presentations

  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Turner*, S. Stackhouse, Trautner**, V.E. & H. Marquardt (2022). ''Observing phase transitions in the lower mantle: insights from combining new mineral physics data with seismology and geodynamics''. British Seismology Meeting, Cambridge, UK
  • Koelemeijer, P. (2021). ''Large Light Structures and Velocity Provinces at Earth's core-mantle boundary - with heavy details''. UK-SEDI meeting (virtual due to COVID-19)
  • Koelemeijer, P. (2020). ''Imaging light structures at Earth’s core-mantle boundary - in heavy detail''. SSA meeting on “Cutting edge methods for seismic imaging” (virtual due to COVID-19)
  • Koelemeijer, P. (2020). ''Towards consistent seismological models of the core-mantle boundary landscape''. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (virtual due to COVID-19)
  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Turner*, S. Stackhouse & D. R. Davies (2019). ''Influence of the iron spin transition in ferropericlase on global tomography''. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
  • Koelemeijer, P., J. Winterbourne, R. Toussaint & C. Zaroli (2019). ''3D printing the world: developing geophysical teaching materials and outreach packages''. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Pagu*, B.S.A. Schuberth & D. R. Davies (2018). ''Tomographic proxies for the presence of post-perovskite in the lowermost mantle''. AGU Fall meeting, Washington DC, USA
  • Koelemeijer, P. (2018). ''Constraints on phase transitions in the deep mantle using global seismic tomography''. British Geophysical Association Postgraduate Research in Progress meeting, Cardiff, UK
  • Mortimer, B., W. Rees*, P. Koelemeijer (presenting author) & T. Nissen-Meyer (2018). ''Picking up good vibrations: Feeling the beat through the elephants' feet''. Unsettled Planet workshop, Bristol, UK
  • Koelemeijer, P., B.S.A. Schuberth, D. R. Davies, A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2018). ''Constraints on phase transitions in the deep mantle using Earth's free oscillations''. Oxford Solid Mechanics Network workshop, Oxford, UK
  • Koelemeijer, P. , B.S.A. Schuberth, D. R. Davies, A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2018). ''What tomographic-geodynamic comparisons teach us about lower mantle composition and dynamics'', EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
  • Koelemeijer, P. (2017). ''An introduction to normal modes and their use in imaging Earth structure'', TIDES meeting, Oxford, UK
  • Koelemeijer, P. , B.S.A. Schuberth, D. R. Davies, A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2017). ''Where is post-perovskite in the lower mantle? The importance of tomographic resolution in interpreting seismic tomography'', SELECTED early-career talk, Gordon Research Conference "Interior of the Earth", Boston, USA
  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2016). ''Seismological landscape of the core-mantle boundary'', AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Deuss & J. Ritsema (2014). ''Normal mode insights into the long wavelength velocity and density structure of the lowermost mantle'', AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
  • Koelemeijer, P., A. Deuss & J. Trampert (2012). ''Observability of lower mantle structures in Earth's free oscillation data'', Annual QUEST meeting, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia



Theses and examined work

  • Koelemeijer, P. (2018). Balancing different perspectives in teaching within the Earth Sciences. Portfolio (11,843 words) for the Enhancing Teaching Programme, University of Oxford.
  • Koelemeijer, P.J. (2014). Normal mode studies of long wavelength structures in Earth's lowermost mantle. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge.
  • Koelemeijer, P.J. (2010). Normal mode study of the D'' region and core-mantle boundary topography. MSc Thesis, Utrecht University.
  • Koelemeijer, P.J. (2008). Determination of the surface diffusivity of cleaved NaCl crystals in humid environments by impedance spectroscopy. BSc Thesis, Utrecht University.
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